The IADLEST NCP establishes minimum standards for law enforcement continuing education and ensures training content meets or exceeds any individual state certification requirements. NCP certified courses are accepted by all participating POST organizations for in-service or advanced training credit and are recognized by all 50 states, regardless of their participation status.
Individual courses may require additional state approval by Vector Solutions’ accreditation team. Course approvals may be subject to change without notice. Contact Vector Solutions for courses approved in your state/
All courses equate to 1 hour of training unless otherwise noted.
Approved Law Enforcement Course Titles
- Active Shooter Preparation and Response (2 hours)
- Arrest Procedures
- Basic Medical Aid for Law Enforcement (2 modules)
- Body Cameras
- Civil Rights
- Constitutional Law
- Contact and Cover
- Core Competencies of Leadership
- CPR Academic
- Crimes Against Children (2 modules)
- Critical Incident Response
- Critical Incident Stress Management
- Cultural Competency in Law Enforcement
- Domestic Violence
- Drug Interdiction
- Drug Investigation
- Duty to Intervene
- Emergency Vehicle Pursuit Operations
- Ethical Decision Making for Law Enforcement
- Evidence Based Policing
- Excessive Force
- First Amendment Auditors and Sovereign Citizens
- Health and Wellness in Public Safety
- Human Trafficking Basics for First Responders
- Identifying and Understanding Mental Health Crisis
- Initial Incident Command for In Progress Events
- Interactions with Individuals with Disabilities
- Justice Based Policing
- Law Enforcement Instructor Best Practices & Values
- Law Enforcement Personnel Standards
- Managing Confrontation with Communication
- Missing Persons – Initiating an AMBER or Silver Alert
- Officer Training Techniques
- Physiological Response to Stress
- Police Officer Liability
- Policies and Procedures in Law Enforcement
- Rapidly Evolving Challenges, Perspectives and Responsibilities of Law Enforcement
- Report Writing to Win Cases
- Response to Mental Health Crisis
- Restraint Devices and Legal Issues
- Risk Mitigation on Traffic Stops
- Search and Seizure
- Servant Leadership
- Sex Crimes Against Children
- Sexual Assault Investigations
- Suicide by Cop
- The Art of Effective Communication
- Traffic Stops and Racial Profiling
- Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder for First Responder
- Understanding Fatigue for Law Enforcement
- Use of Force
- Vehicle Close Quarter Battle (VCQB)
- Arrest and Control Techniques
- Bloodborne Pathogens Safety
- Discrimination in Law Enforcement
- Officer Rescue
- Open Carry Interactions
- Understanding Hate Crimes
- Workplace Violence in Law Enforcement
*Coming Soon
Courses are subject to change as Vector Solutions updates our courses and state legislation changes mandated training requirements. Please check with your
certification authorities in your state to confirm these courses meet your state’s requirements
Download the complete law enforcement course catalog.
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