Higher Education

How Much is Sexual Assault Related Transfer Costing Your Institution?

Calculate the number of students who transfer schools as a result of sexual assault and the associated lost revenue for an institution. This tool helps you show the value of effectively preventing or responding to sexual assault as part of student success and retention efforts.

Measuring the Cost of Sexual Assault

By now, there is no doubt: campus sexual assaults have the potential to wreak havoc on the budgets of colleges and universities. There have been some initial efforts to measure the cost of sexual assault for an institution of higher education (IHEs). These estimates only provide a partial picture. After all, there are many other costs associated with a sexual assault for an institution, like:

  • the academic impact of sexual assault
  • the damage to an institution's reputation
  • the cost of lost revenue when survivors choose to leave the institution.

To develop this calculator, researchers reviewed research literature on sexual assault and retention, worked with nationally regarded researchers, and gathered information on retention rates.

From these sources, Vector Solutions has developed this new tool which estimates the dollars an institution loses when survivors of sexual assault transfer out of the school.


"*" indicates required fields

The national average transfer rate for females is 39% (National Student Clearinghouse Research Center). Use decimals for percentages. For example, 39% would be .39
The national average transfer rate for males is 37% (National Student Clearinghouse Research Center). Use decimals for percentages. For example, 37% would be .37
Annual net tuition per student is how much revenue a college receives from each student, including federal aid awarded to students to cover their tuition and other educational expenses. Please enter dollar amount.

Education is Key to Prevention

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