Recently Approved Law Enforcement Legislation in the U.S.

The Law Enforcement community is seeing a trend in state bills being passed across the U.S., and it can be hard to keep up with what’s been approved and what is still pending. Within the interactive map below, you’ll find curated information on newly passed bills that influence training, early warning systems, use-of-force measures, and operations of police agencies. Click on your state to see the most recently passed legislation.

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H.B. 411 – 2021 (Section 36-21-55.1 of the Code of Alabama 1975)

Data transparency

Relating to law enforcement; to require the Alabama Peace Officers' Standards and Training Commission to create a database of certain information relating to law enforcement officers; to provide that the information in the database is confidential; to provide for criminal penalties for unauthorized disclosure; to require former law enforcement employers to disclose information to another law enforcement agency for purposes of employment or appointment of law enforcement officers; to provide immunity for certain disclosures…etc.

H.B. 356 – 2023 (Section 36-21-51.1 of the Code of Alabama 1975)

Other training

Relating to law enforcement training; require training related to individuals with certain sensory needs.

See also

S.B. 341 (Section 45-56-230.02), S.B. 347 (Section 45-15-233)

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H.B. 2168 (Section 38-1118 of the Arizona Revised Statutes) – 2021

Data transparency

Requires law enforcement agencies to report data annually on use-of-force incidents involving public officers to the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission beginning January 1, 2022, Requires data collected and reported to ACJC be consistent with the National Use of Force Data Collection, Requires ACJC to develop collection standards and reporting guidelines on use-of-force incident data, Mandates beginning March 1, 2023, ACJC to annually publish in a publicly available database the use-of-force data reported during the previous year, Clarifies use-of-force data collected and reported to ACJC or for national use-of-force data collection is public record… etc.

H.B. 2721 (Section 38-1117 of the Arizona Revised Statutes) – 2022 


Modifies, retroactive to January 1, 2021, the membership and voting requirements of specified entities that investigate law enforcement officer misconduct.

See also

H.B. 2159 (38-612, 38-1004, 38-1104, 38-1106, 38-1108, 38-1110, 38-1112)

H.B. 2340 (38-1106)

H.B. 2347 (38-1110)

H.B. 2860 (26-106, 41-1612, 41-1712; Version 2, 41-1730, 41-1762, 41-2401, 41-2409, 41-2410)

H.B. 2567 (38-1117)

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H.B. 1721 – 2021

Other training

An act to be known as the "Arkansas Phoenix Act of 2021"; concerning the statute of limitations for offenses involving domestic violence; concerning the training given to law enforcement officers for situations in which domestic violence is suspected; and for other purposes.

H.B. 1865 – 2021

Other training

An act to require training concerning a law enforcement officer's duty to intervene when the law enforcement officer observes the use of excessive force by another law enforcement officer; and for other purposes.

H.B. 1396 – 2023

Other training

An act concerning law enforcement officer training and standards; to require training concerning persons with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias for officer certification; and for other purposes.

H.B. 1458 – 2023

Other training

An act to create the Vincent Parks Law; to require instructors complete training on the recognition and management of certain health conditions; to set certain procedures if a cadet or officer receiving training has symptoms of a sudden cardiac arrest; to declare an emergency; and for other purposes.


See also

H.B. 1197, H.B. 1680, H.B. 1175

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A.B. 1196 – 2020

Use of force

Prohibits law enforcement agencies from authorizing carotid restraint holds and choke holds.

A.B. 26 – 2021

Use of force, Peer reporting

Requires use of force policies for law enforcement agencies to include the requirement that officers "immediately" report potential excessive force, and further describes the requirement to "intercede" if another officer uses excessive force. Provides additional specifications for law enforcement agency policies on the duty to intervene when another officer uses excessive force.

A.B. 48 – 2021

Use of force, Data transparency

Provides that the use of kinetic energy projectiles or chemical agents, as defined, shall only be used by a peace officer that has received training on their proper use by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) for crowd control if the use is objectively reasonable to defend against a threat to life or serious bodily injury to any individual, including any peace officer, or to bring an objectively dangerous and unlawful situation safely and effectively under control, and in compliance with specified requirements.

A.B. 57 – 2021

Other training

Requires the basic peace officer course curriculum to include instruction on the topic of hate crimes, which shall incorporate a specified hate crimes video developed by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST).

S.B. 16 – 2021

Data transparency

Expands the categories of police personnel records that are subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act (CPRA); and modifies existing provisions regarding the release of records subject to disclosure.

S.B. 715 – 2021


Clarifies what qualifies as an “unarmed” civilian to trigger investigations of officer involved shootings by the Attorney General’s Office.

S.B. 882 – 2022

Other training

Creates an advisory council within the Department of Justice (DOJ) responsible for evaluating and reporting on existing training for peace officers related to interactions between law enforcement and people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Additionally, this bill requires use of force incident reports sent to DOJ by local law enforcement agencies to include information on whether the officer perceived that someone involved had a intellectual or developmental disability, among other information…

A.B. 2761 – 2022

Data transparency

Requires a state or local correctional facility to post specified information on its website within 10 days after the death of a person who died while in custody, and to update that information within 30 days of any change…

S.B. 400 – 2024

Data transparency

This bill clarifies that law enforcement agencies that formerly employed a peace officer are not prohibited from disclosing the termination for cause of that officer, as specified.

See also

A.B. 481, A.B. 485, A.B. 1406, A.B. 2147, A.B. 2418, A.B. 2773, S.B. 2, A.B. 89, A.B. 483, A.B. 490, S.B. 586, S.B. 715, A.B. 846, A.B. 1506, A.B. 3099, A.B. 443

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S.B.21-174 Policies For Peace Officer Credibility Disclosures – 2021

Data transparency

Creates the peace officer credibility disclosure notification committee (committee), which is required to create a statewide model for peace officer credibility disclosure notifications (statewide model) by December 1, 2021. The statewide model must include policies and procedures that law enforcement agencies and district attorneys' offices are required to adopt and implement on or before January 1, 2022.

H.B. 21-1122 First Responder Interactions Persons With Disabilities – 2021

Other training

Establishes the commission on improving first responder interactions with persons with disabilities (commission) in the attorney general's office.

H.B. 21-1250 Measures to Address Law Enforcement Accountability – 2021

Use of force, Investigations, Data transparency, Peer reporting

Makes changes to the provisions of Senate Bill 20-217, enacted in 2020, (SB 217) to provide clarity and address issues discovered since the passage of that bill.

S.B. 22-145 Resources To Increase Community Safety – 2022

De-escalation training, Other training

This act establishes 3 new grant programs within the division of criminal justice in the department of public safety.

S.B. 23-070 Mandatory School Resource Officer Training – 2023

Other training

Concerning mandatory annual training by safe2tell for school resource officer training.

See also

H.B.21-1030, S.B.20-217

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H.B. 6004 An Act Concerning Police Accountability – 2020

Use of force, Data transparency, Investigations, Peer reporting, Other training

An act concerning police accountability.

s.H.B. 6462 An Act concerning Use of Force by a Peace Officer - 2021

Use of force

To delay changes to provisions concerning use of force by a peace officer enacted as part of public act 20-1 (H.B 6004 – 2020) of the July special session and to make certain other changes to said provisions.

s.S.B. 892 - 2021


To make minor changes to (1) the process of appointments, reviews and evaluations by the Criminal Justice Commission including concerning the appointment of the Inspector General, (2) the membership of the Division of Criminal Justice Advisory Board, and (3) the process by which use of force by a peace officer is investigated.

s.H.B. 5349 – 2022


To require the timely reporting by the police of a death to the next of kin.

s.H.B. 5420 – 2022

Other training

To (1) prohibit discipline of a police officer solely due to receipt of services as a result of a behavioral health assessment; (2) require the Police Officer Standards and Training Council to develop training curriculum for police officer interactions with persons who have mental or physical disabilities, and persons who are deaf, hard of hearing or deaf-blind; (3) appropriate money for crisis intervention training for police officers; (4) establish a task force to study the mental health needs of law enforcement officers; (5) require a study to determine the percentage of 9-1-1 dispatch calls that would be more appropriately directed to the 2-1-1 Infoline; (6) require a report on the use of online or remote technology by the Police Officer Standards and Training Council for police officer training after initial certification; and (7) require a report on the Community and Law Enforcement for Addiction Recovery project.

S.B. 972 – 2023

Other training

To require police officer training on strategies including crisis intervention, and to develop recommendations on how police officers and social workers may collaborate.

See also

S.B. 135, S.B. 389, S.B. 1011, S.B. 953, S.B. 1071

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H.J.R. 4 – 2021

Data transparency

Directing the Criminal Justice Council to establish and publish integrity reports concerning complaints made against police officers in each police agency in this state and to create and publish a list of decertified police officers in this state.

S.B. 147 - 2021

Use of force

Codifies a reasonableness requirement for the use of force, both non-lethal and lethal. This Act makes it clear that the determination of one’s state of mind is an objective standard —that is, what a reasonable person would have believed, rather than what the defendant believed. Additionally, this Act makes clear that deadly force includes the use of a chokehold.

S.B. 148 - 2021

Investigations, Data transparency

Expands the Division of Civil Rights and Public Trust’s responsibility to review deadly use of force incidents by law enforcement by adding review of cases involving serious physical injury. It also requires that if the Division issues a public report on the use of force, the report must include the race of the law enforcement officer who used force, the race of the individual on whom force was used, and whether race was a relevant or motivating factor.

H.B. 350 - 2021

Use of force

Creates the crime of Aggravated Strangulation. A person is guilty of Aggravated Strangulation if the person is a law-enforcement officer, and while acting within the person’s official capacity as a law-enforcement officer, knowingly or intentionally uses a chokehold on another person. Under this Act, a chokehold is only justifiable when the person reasonably believes deadly force is warranted in order to protect the life of a civilian or law-enforcement officer. Aggravated Strangulation is a Class D felony unless the law-enforcement officer using a chokehold causes serious physical injury or death to another person thereby elevating the crime to a Class C felony. This Act also makes clear that if a person is charged under this section, such a charge shall not preclude or limit the State or any other prosecuting agency from bringing other criminal charges against the person.

H.S. 1 for H.B. 205 - 2023

Investigations, Data transparency

An act to amend Title 11 of the Delaware Code relating to the law enforcement officer Bill of Rights.

H.B. 206 - 2023

Other training

An act to amend Titles 10, 11, 24, 29, and 4 of the Delaware Code relating to Police Officer Standards and Training Commission.

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S.B. 890 Use of Electronic Databases – 2021

Other training

Prohibiting the use or release, not authorized by law, of any information contained in the Driver and Vehicle Information Database; requiring the law enforcement accreditation program to address access to and use of personal identification information contained in electronic databases; requiring the Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission to incorporate into the course curriculum required for initial certification of law enforcement officers instruction on the authorized access to and use of personal identification information contained in electronic databases, etc.

H.B. 7051 Law Enforcement and Correctional Officer Practices – 2021

Use of force, Data transparency, Investigations, De-escalation training

Requires application for employment or appointment as law enforcement or correctional officer to contain specified disclosures; requires background investigation of applicant to include specified information; requires employing agencies to maintain employment information for minimum period; requires establishment of standards for officer training & policies concerning use of force; requires law enforcement agencies to establish policies for specified use of force investigations; requires investigation to include an independent report; requires report to be submitted to state attorney; requires law enforcement agencies to submit specified data to FDLE; prohibits child younger than certain age from being arrested, charged, or adjudicated delinquent for delinquent act or violation of law.

H.B. 801 Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementia Training for Law Enforcement and Correctional Officers – 2024

Other training

Requires FDLE to establish online, continued employment training component relating to Alzheimer's disease & related forms of dementia; requires training component be developed with DOEA; specifies instruction requirements for training; authorizes completion of such training to count toward certain requirement.

H.B. 601: Law Enforcement and Correctional Officers – 2024


Authorizing county sheriffs to establish civilian oversight boards to review the policies and procedures of the sheriff's office and its subdivisions; prohibiting a political subdivision from adopting or attempting to enforce certain ordinances relating to the receipt, processing, or investigation of complaints against law enforcement officers or correctional officers, or relating to civilian oversight of law enforcement agency investigations of complaints of misconduct by such officers; revising the base salary for sheriffs; authorizing the chief of a municipal police department to establish a civilian oversight board to review the policies and procedures of the chief's department and its subdivisions, etc.

See also

H.B. 935

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S.B. 59 – 2023

Investigations, Data transparency

Establishes the Office of the Inspector General; to provide for definitions; to provide for duties; to provide certain powers; to provide procedures for the application of the duties and powers of such office; to provide a duty to report certain actions; to provide for employment of peace officers; to provide for related matters; to provide for an effective date; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

H.B. 383 – 2023

Other training

To amend Article 2 of Chapter 5 of Title 16 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to assault and battery and related offenses against persons, so as to provide for enhanced penalties for aggravated assault and aggravated battery committed upon emergency health workers and healthcare workers in certain circumstances; to provide for a definition; to amend Title 31 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to health, so as to provide for P.O.S.T. certified peace officers employed by hospitals to serve as hospital peace officers; to provide for law enforcement authority of hospital peace officers on hospital campuses; to provide for certification requirements of hospital peace officers; to provide for reporting and records requirements; to provide for definitions; to provide for a short title; to provide for an effective date and applicability; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

See also

S.B. 403

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H.B. 285 – 2020

Use of force, Data transparency

Requires county police departments to disclose to the Legislature the identity of an officer upon an officer's suspension or discharge. Amends the Uniform Information Practices Act to allow for public access to information about suspended officers. Authorizes the law enforcement standards board to revoke certifications and requires the board to review and recommend statewide policies and procedures relating to law enforcement, including the use of force…

H.B. 2171 – 2022

Other training

Establishes a Department of Law Enforcement to consolidate and administer criminal law enforcement and investigations functions of the State effective upon approval and reestablishes the Department of Public Safety as an independent Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to administer the corrections, rehabilitation, and reentry of the inmate population effective 1/1/2024. Transfers the law enforcement functions of the Department of Public Safety to the Department of Law Enforcement effective 1/1/2024, and the law enforcement functions of the Department of Transportation, the non-statutorily mandated functions of the investigations division of the Department of the Attorney General, and the Office of Homeland Security to the Department of Law Enforcement effective 1/1/2024…

H.B. 823 – 2023

Data transparency

Expands the scope of reports on correctional facility and community correctional center deaths that are submitted to the governor and legislature. Requires certain reports to be published on the department of corrections and rehabilitation website. Mandates public access to other information reported.

S.B. 372 – 2023

Use of force, Peer reporting

Provides that a law enforcement officer has a duty to intervene if the law enforcement officer reasonably believes that another law enforcement officer is using unnecessary or excessive force on an arrestee. Requires the law enforcement officer to report the incident to the other law enforcement officer's supervisor. Requires relevant departments to submit annual reports to the Legislature.

S.B. 151 – 2023

Use of force, Peer reporting, Other training

Requires any department or agency employing law enforcement officers to maintain publicly available policies on minimum standards on the use of force. Allows use of force policies and training to be introduced as evidence in proceedings. Requires law enforcement officers to report the use of excessive force by another law enforcement officer. Requires that law enforcement officers receive training designed to minimize the use of excessive force.

See also

H.B. 1283

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H.B. 540 – 2022

Other training

Amends existing law to provide for law enforcement training, powers, and duties regarding sexual assault complaints.

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H.B. 3653 – 2021

Use of force, Data transparency, Investigations, Peer reporting, De-escalation training, Other training

Statewide Use of Force Standardization, No Representation Without Population Act, Deaths in Custody, Constitutional Rights and Remedies, Amendatory Provisions, Pretrial Release, Pregnant Prisoner Rights, Mandatory Minimums, Law Enforcement, General Provisions, etc.

H.B. 3443 – 2021

Use of force

Amends the State Police Act. In a provision concerning the military equipment surplus program, changes the definition of "grenade launcher" and "tracked armored vehicle". Amends the Task Force on Constitutional Rights and Remedies Act. In a provision concerning task force members, deletes language providing for the responsibility of appointing a chairperson. Amends the Illinois Police Training Act. Provides that all mandated training will be provided for at no cost to the employees, and that employees shall be paid for all time spent attending mandated training. Amends the Law Enforcement Officer-Worn Body Camera Act…

S.B. 1754 – 2023

Other training

An act concerning local government.

See also

H.B. 1092, H.B. 2475

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H.B. 1006 – 2021

Use of force, De-escalation training

Requires the Indiana law enforcement training board to establish mandatory training in de-escalation as part of the use-of-force curriculum, and requires de-escalation training to be provided as a part of: (1) pre-basic training; (2) mandatory inservice training; and (3) the executive training program. Establishes a procedure to allow the Indiana law enforcement training board to decertify an officer who has committed misconduct. Defines "chokehold" and prohibits the use of a chokehold under certain circumstances…

S.B. 294 – 2022

Use of force, Other training

Changes the membership of the law enforcement training board. Requires the creation of certain statewide policies and training programs. Requires the creation of minimum standards for certain best practices.

H.B. 1321 – 2023

Other training

Requires the law enforcement training board to establish minimum standards for basic training and annual inservice training that address the mental health and wellness of law enforcement officers. Requires the executive training program to include training in mental health and wellness and suicide prevention of law enforcement officers. Provides that the mental health and wellness training may be provided online or by other means of virtual instruction. Provides that full-time firefighters' minimum training and annual training requirements must include mental health and wellness training. Requires certain persons who provide emergency medical services to obtain mental health and wellness training as a condition of licensure and certification.

See also

S.B. 81

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H.F. 2647 – 2020

Use of force, De-escalation training, Other training

Relating to peace officers, including the certification, training, and prosecution of peace officers and the use of chokeholds by peace officers, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions.

S.F. 342 – 2021

Investigations, Other training

Relating to public records and communications in professional confidence; uniform commercial code filings; qualified immunity; peace officer health plans and workers’ compensation; certain law enforcement matters; criminal laws involving public disorder, assaults, and harassment; civil liability for certain vehicle operators; window tinting; acts on certain highways; and civil service commission examinations; providing penalties, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions.

H.F. 2592 – 2024


An Act relating to the placement of a police officer on a Brady-Giglio list, including the right of a police officer to petition the court and the standard of proof required for actions regarding such placement.

See also

H.F. 2496, H.F. 631

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S.B. 80 – 2021

Use of force, Investigations

Relating to peace officers.

H.B. 565 – 2021

Other training

Relating to criminal justice training and making an appropriation therefor.

H.B. 207 – 2023

Data transparency

Relating to internal police communications.  

See also

H.B. 206, S.B. 4, H.B. 64, S.B. 89, H.B. 373

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S.B. 34 – 2021

Use of force

Provides for responsibilities of law enforcement officers while interacting with the public.

H.B. 129 – 2021

Investigations, Other training

Relative to peace officers; to provide relative to certain reporting requirements; to provide relative to the recruitment of certain peace officer candidates; to provide relative to certain training requirements; to provide for the implementation of disciplinary policies and procedures; to provide relative to investigations into certain peace officer conduct; and to provide for related matters.

See also

H.B. 745, H.B. 430, H.B. 325, H.B. 89

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H.P. 1095 An Act Regarding the Review of Law Enforcement Use of Deadly Force – 2021


The Attorney General shall complete an investigation of and submit to the panel the findings regarding the use of deadly force pursuant to section 200-A within 180 days of receiving notice of the use of deadly force bya law enforcement officer… This chapter does not preclude the public dissemination of that portion of a video in the custody of the Attorney General depicting the use of deadly force by law enforcement when the public interest in the evaluation of the use of deadly force by law enforcement and the review and investigation of those incidents by the Attorney General outweighs the harms contemplated in section 804…

H.P. 794 An Act To Clarify the Qualifications and Oversight of Sheriffs – 2021

Other training

Clarifies the Qualifications and Oversight of Sheriffs.

S.P 15 An Act to Limit Public Access to or Dissemination of Electronic Citation and Electronic Warning Information – 2023

Data transparency

Limits public access to or dissemination of electronic citation and electronic warning information.

H.P 672 An Act to Require All Uniformed Patrol Officers to Carry Naloxone Hydrochloride When on Duty – 2023

Other training

Requires all uniformed patrol officers to carry naloxone hydrochloride when on duty.

See also

H.P. 418, H.P. 368, H.P. 64, S.P 34, H.P 272

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S.B. 71  – 2021

Use of force, Early intervention

Requiring certain law enforcement agencies to require the use of body-worn cameras by July 1, 2023, for each law enforcement officer that regularly interacts with the public; requiring a certain body-worn camera to automatically record and save at least 60 seconds of video footage immediately prior to the officer activating the record button; requiring each law enforcement agency to establish a certain system to identify police officers who are at risk of using excessive force and to provide appropriate responses to reduce the risks; etc.

S.B. 178 – 2021

Data transparency

Requiring that an application for a certain no-knock search warrant be approved in writing by a police supervisor and the State's Attorney; requiring a certain no-knock search warrant to be executed between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., absent exigent circumstances; requiring a certain custodian to allow inspection of certain records by certain persons; providing that a record relating to an administrative or criminal investigation of misconduct by a police officer is not a personnel record for certain purposes; etc.

S.B. 600 – 2021


Prohibiting a law enforcement agency from receiving certain equipment from a program operated by the federal government for the transfer of surplus military equipment; requiring a law enforcement agency to notify the Independent Investigative Unit in the Office of the Attorney General of an alleged or potential police-involved death of a civilian by a certain time; establishing the Independent Investigative Unit in the Office of the Attorney General to investigate alleged or potential police-involved deaths of civilians; etc.

S.B. 670 – 2021

Use of force, Data transparency, Investigations, Peer reporting, Other training

Repealing the Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights; prohibiting a police officer from preventing a citizen from recording the officer's actions if the citizen is otherwise acting lawfully and safely; establishing the Maryland Loan Assistance Repayment Program for Police Officers and the Maryland Police Officers Scholarship Program; requiring the Police Training and Standards Commission to take certain actions in response to violations of a certain Use of Force Statute; requiring each county to have a police accountability board; etc.

S.B. 290 – 2023

Data transparency, Investigations

Expanding the investigative jurisdiction of the Independent Investigations Division of the Office of the Attorney General to include a police-involved incident resulting in serious bodily injury to an individual that is not otherwise within the jurisdiction of the Division; requiring the Division to submit an annual report on its activities in the prior calendar year to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before January 31; authorizing the Attorney General to prosecute certain criminal matters under certain circumstances; etc.

See also

S.B. 134

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S.2963 – 2021

Use of force, Data transparency, Investigations, De-escalation training, Other training

An act relative to justice, equity and accountability in law enforcement in the Commonwealth.

See also

H.B. 5373

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H.F. 1 – 2020

Use of force, Data transparency, Investigations, Peer reporting, Other training

Public safety; various provision modified including a law enforcement citizen oversight council establishment required, data collection and analysis on peace officer complaints created, Police-Community Relations Council established, peace officer duty to report excessive force incidents established, and money appropriated.

H.F. 2 – 2020

Data transparency, Investigations, Other training

Ensuring Police Excellence and Improving Community Relations Advisory Council first meeting effective date delayed, peace officer training requirement effective dates delayed, and Peace Officer Standards and Training Board appropriation modified to permit staff hiring.

H.F. 5216 – 2024

Use of force, Investigations, Other training

Relating to state government; providing policy for crime victims, law enforcement, criminal justice, corrections, public safety, crime, predatory offenders, restorative practices restitution program, Clemency Review Commission, protective orders, judicial data privacy, judiciary, public defense, civil law, contracts for deed, and state government data; providing for the Uniform Public Expression Protection Act; establishing the State Board of Civil Legal Aid; authorizing Anoka County to build jail and criminal justice center; providing for grants; providing for working groups and task forces; providing criminal penalties; providing for reports; appropriating money for judiciary, public safety, and corrections.

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H.B. 1222 – 2023

Other training

An act to create "The Mississippi Collaborative Response to Mental Health Act"; to require each municipal and county law enforcement agency to provide mental health first-aid training that is evidence-based and approved by the department of mental health; to require each municipal and county law enforcement agency to have at least one crisis intervention trained officer by a certain date; to provide that an agency which employs less than five law enforcement officers may execute an agreement with one or more law enforcement agencies to have a crisis intervention team officer serve as the officer for that agency…

H.B. 691 – 2024

Investigations, Other training

An Act to amend Section 45-6-5, Mississippi Code of 1972, to revise the composition of the Board on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Training from thirteen to nine; to amend section 45-6-7, Mississippi Code of 1972, to revise the board's powers and duties to include investigative authority; to amend section 45-6-19, Mississippi Code of 1972, to require continuing education training for all state agency, county and municipal law enforcement officers as well as the chief of police and police officers employed by any public two-year or four-year college or university and any extension thereof in the State of Mississippi, and the pearl river valley water supply district; to amend section 45-1-101, Mississippi Code of 1972, to clarify reference to retired law enforcement officers; and for related purposes.

See also

S.B. 2347

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S.B. 53 – 2021

Use of force, Data transparency

This act modifies provisions relating to public safety.

S.B. 186 – 2023

Other training

This act modifies provisions relating to public safety.

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H.B. 28 – 2021


An act eliminating the requirement for the board of crime control to hear appeals from decisions made by the Public Safety Officer Standards and Training Council.

H.B. 696 – 2021

Other training

Generally revises crisis intervention training laws.

S.B. 68 – 2023


An act revising laws related to coroner inquests regarding deaths in a prison or correctional facility; providing that coroners who are peace officers may conduct inquests regarding deaths in a prison or correctional facility; amending section 46-4-201, MCA; and providing an immediate effective date.

H.B. 362 – 2023

Other training

An act revising laws related to the crisis intervention team training program; requiring the program to have a statewide coordinator; providing an appropriation; amending section 44-7-110, MCA; and providing effective dates.

H.B. 697 – 2023


An act generally revising laws related to the Public Safety Officer Standards and Training Council; providing reporting requirements; requiring an interim study of the staffing, structure, and duties of the Public Safety Officer Standards and Training Council; providing that certain special revenue account funds are used to support the Public Safety Officer Standards and Training Council; amending section 44-10-204, MCA; and providing an immediate effective date and a termination date.

See also

H.B. 77, H.B. 78, H.B. 802, H.B. 256

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L.B. 924 – 2020

Other training

Changes provisions relating to racial profiling and requires law enforcement training.

L.B. 51 – 2021

Use of force, Investigations De-escalation training, Other training

Changes provisions relating to qualifications, training, certification, accreditation, powers, and duties of certain law enforcement personnel.

L.B. 1241 – 2022

Other training

Change provisions relating to law enforcement officer training and certification and adopt the Law Enforcement Attraction and Retention Act.

L.B. 253 – 2024

Other training

Provide for creation of a veteran justice program.

L.B. 894 – 2024

Other training

Change provisions relating to election, appointment, qualifications, and training of county sheriffs.

See also

L.B. 1184

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S.B. 2 – 2020


Relating to  peace officers;  eliminating  the  prohibition  on the use of a peace officer’s compelled statement in a civil case;  revising  provisions  regarding  when a law  enforcement agency may initiate an investigation into the alleged misconduct of a peace officer; revising provisions relating to the reassignment of a peace officer who is under investigation; authorizing a peace officer or representative to inspect  certain  evidence  and  submit  a  response  after  the conclusion  of  an  investigation;  revising  provisions  requiring  the  dismissal  of  civil  and  administrative  proceedings  against a  peace  officer  under  certain  circumstances;  and  providing other matters properly relating thereto.

A.B. 3 – 2020

Use of force, Data transparency, Peer reporting

Relating to public  safety; authorizing a person to record law enforcement activity in certain  circumstances;  revising provisions  relating  to  the  use  of  physical  force  by  a  peace officer;  requiring  a  peace  officer  to  intervene  to  prevent  the use  of  unjustified  physical  force  by  another  peace  officer in certain circumstances and to report the observation of the use of unjustified physical force by another peace officer; requiring law enforcement agencies to adopt a written policy regarding  the  drug  and  alcohol  testing  of a peace officer in certain circumstances; providing that the newly effective provisions of law reducing the maximum period of probation or suspension of sentence that may be imposed upon a person apply to persons sentenced on or after July 1, 2020; requiring law enforcement agencies to provide a report to the Legislature  containing  certain  information  relating  to  traffic stops  and  other  stops  by  law  enforcement  officers  and  the software  used  to  process  certain  information  during  such traffic  stops  and  other  stops;  and  providing  other  matters properly relating thereto.

A.B. 58 – 2021


Relating to the Attorney General; authorizing the Attorney General to investigate whether a state governmental authority, any agent thereof or any person acting on behalf of a state governmental authority has engaged in certain patterns or  practices  that  deprive  persons  of  certain  rights,  privileges or  immunities  and  file  a  civil  action  to  eliminate  such  an identified pattern or practice in certain circumstances; establishing provisions relating to such an investigation; requiring the Attorney General to participate and cooperate in any investigation by the United States Department of Justice regarding  whether  the  Office  of  the  Attorney  General  has engaged  in  certain  patterns  or  practices  that  deprive  persons  of  certain  rights,  privileges  or  immunities;  and  providing other matters properly relating thereto.

S.B. 212 – 2021

Use of force, Data transparency

Relating  to  peace  officers;  revising  provisions  relating  to the  use  of  force  by  peace  officers;  requiring  certain  law enforcement agencies to adopt a written policy relating to the use  of  force;  requiring  certain  law  enforcement  agencies  to submit  to  the  Central  Repository  for  Nevada  Records  of Criminal History certain information relating to certain incidents involving the use of force by peace officers; requiring the preparation and submittal of a report relating to such information; imposing certain restrictions and requirements regarding the use of restraint chairs; prohibiting peace officers from using certain forms of force under certain circumstances;  and  providing  other  matters  properly  relating thereto.

S.B. 236 – 2021

Early intervention, Data transparency

Relating to public safety; requiring law enforcement agencies to establish early warning systems to identify peace officers  who  display  bias  indicators  or  other  problematic behavior;  establishing  provisions  relating  to  the  recording, collection and review of information concerning traffic stops made by law enforcement officers; imposing certain duties on the Department of Public Safety and law enforcement agencies  regarding  the  recording,  collection  and  review  of such information; authorizing the Department to adopt regulations relating to the recording, collection and review of such  information;  requiring  the  Legislative  Commission  to appoint  a  committee  to  conduct  an  interim  study  relating  to the establishment of crisis response call centers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

A.B. 304 – 2021

Other training

Relating to law enforcement; revising provisions governing the standards for programs of continuing education for peace officers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

A.B. 396 – 2021

Use of force

Relating  to  peace  officers;  revising  provisions  relating  to the use of deadly force to effectuate an arrest; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

S.B. 225 – 2023

Data transparency, Investigations

Revises provisions governing peace officers.

A.B. 51 – 2023

Other training

Makes various changes relating to public safety.

See also

A.B. 336, A.B. 409, S.B. 362

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H.B. 1645 – 2020 (Sections 6:12, I(b), 106-L, 106-L:9, 627:5, and  318-B:17-b, V(a) of the New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated)

Use of force, Peer reporting

Relative to superior court judgments; adding a bail commissioner to the commission on pretrial detention, pretrial scheduling, and pretrial services and the release of a defendant pending trial; prison privatization; misdemeanor domestic violence offenses; immunity from arrest or prosecution for certain alcoholic beverage violations; police officers reporting misconduct; criminal mischief; screening for all law enforcement officers for psychological stability prior to assuming their duties as certified officers; and prohibiting the use of chokeholds by law enforcement officers.

H.B. 471 – 2021 (Sections 106-L:5 and 105 of the New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated)

Data transparency, Investigations

Relative to police disciplinary hearings and authorizing the department of justice to maintain an exculpatory evidence schedule.

H.B. 1682 – 2022 (Sections 106-L:1. 106-L:2, 106-L:3, 106-L:4, 106-L:5, and 106-L of the New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated)


Establishing the law enforcement conduct review committee in the New Hampshire police standards and training council and making an appropriation therefor.

S.B. 357 – 2022 (Sections 281-A, 106-L, 21-P, and 21-H of the New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated)

Other training

Relative to mental health training for first responders.


See also

S.B. 376, H.B. 91 (RSA 21-I:29-a)

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A 744 – 2020

Data transparency

Requires law enforcement agencies to provide internal affairs and personnel files of law enforcement officers to other agencies under certain circumstances.

S 2742 – 2022

Other training

Concerns licensing of law enforcement officers; appropriates $6 million.

See also

A 5696, S 722

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S.B. 8  – 2021

Use of force

Relating to law enforcement; requiring certain law enforcement agencies to use body-worn cameras; requiring law enforcement agencies to adopt certain policies and procedures; revoking a police officer's certification after conviction or making certain pleas; adding a cause of action for spoliation by a law enforcement officer in the tort claims act.

H.B. 68  – 2022

Other training

Enhancing death benefits for peace officers, New Mexico mounted patrol members and reserve police officers; changing distributions from the law enforcement protection fund; expanding the distribution of the law enforcement protection fund to the New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy; expanding the purposes for which a crime reduction grant may be made; creating additional judgeships in the second, fifth and thirteenth judicial districts; creating the law enforcement retention fund; providing a retention differential disbursement to certain law enforcement officers; providing reporting requirements; requiring the department of finance and administration to establish a program to distribute funds to local law enforcement agencies; creating the law enforcement certification board; creating the New Mexico Law Enforcement Standards and Training Council…

S.B. 19 – 2023

Use of force, Data transparency, Peer reporting, Other training

Relating to law enforcement; allowing the law enforcement certification board to summarily suspend law enforcement officers who fail to submit proof of required in-service law enforcement training prior to beginning a revocation process; providing mechanisms to strengthen the law enforcement and public safety telecommunicator professions; creating a police officer database; enacting The Use Of Force Procedures Act; regulating the use of physical force by law enforcement officers; establishing a duty for officers to Intervene.

See also

H.B. 4

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S 2574 – 2020


Establishes the office of special investigation within the office of the attorney general.

S 3595 – 2020


Creates the law enforcement misconduct investigative office.

A 6144 – 2020

Use of force

Establishes the crime of aggravated strangulation for police officers or peace officers where such officer commits the crime of criminal obstruction or breathing or blood circulation, or uses a chokehold or similar restraint, and causes serious physical injury or death.

S 8496 – 2020

Data transparency

Relates to the disclosure of law enforcement disciplinary records.

See also

A 10608, S 3150

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S.B. 300 Criminal Justice Reform – 2021

Data transparency, Early intervention, Investigations, Other training

Makes various changes to the Criminal Code, and increases law enforcement standardization and oversight, with varying effective dates.

H.B. 536 Law Enforcement Duty to Intervene – 2021

Use of force, Peer Reporting

Creates a duty to intervene for law enforcement officers. Requires that the National Decertification Index be searched as part of officer certification. Requires that officers report certain notifications related to testimony.

H.B. 186  – 2023

Other training

Modifies the transfer process for juveniles who allegedly committed certain felonies, to modify the confidentiality of certain information concerning juveniles under investigation, to modify the interrogation procedures for certain juveniles, to modify the service of summons for juvenile petitions, to clarify the process for court-ordered evaluations for juveniles, to clarify minority sensitivity training for law enforcement personnel, to clarify juvenile detention transfer, to make various technical and conforming changes, as recommended by the department of public safety, division of juvenile justice, to create laws to evaluate whether a juvenile has the capacity to proceed, to modify certain laws related to secure custody orders, to authorize certain department of insurance lease expenses, and to make technical changes to S.L. 2023-97.

See also

H.B. 436

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H.B. 1203 – 2023

Other training

An act to create and enact a new subdivision to subsection 2 of section 12-63-04 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to powers of the peace officer standards and training board; and to amend and reenact section 12-63-01 and subsection 1 of section 12-63-02.3 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to reserve peace officer licenses.


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H.B. 23 – 2022

Other training

Requires emergency medical service personnel and peace officers to undergo dementia-related training and to increase the maximum allowable age for new state highway patrol troopers.



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S.B. 848 – 2021

Other training

Crisis intervention for law enforcement; directing contracting for certain training and support.

S.B. 1370 – 2022

De-escalation training, Other training

Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training; requiring certain training curriculum and requirements.

S.B. 1456 – 2022

Other training

Corrections; authorizing certain rule promulgation for approval of academy.

H.B. 2537 – 2023

Use of force

Criminal procedure; defining term; effective date.

S.B. 507 – 2023

Other training

County officers; clarifying when certain county officers shall be required to attend certain type of training. Effective date.

H.B. 3671 – 2024

Other training

Motor vehicles; authorizing Service Oklahoma to allow individuals to make certain voluntary designation; credentials; effective date.

See also

S.B. 1026, SB 1933, HB 3568

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H.B. 4203 – 2020

Use of force, Other training

Provides that peace officer may not use force that limits ability of person to breathe, including but not limited to choke holds, impedes normal breathing or circulation of blood of another person by applying pressure on throat or neck, unless peace officer may use deadly physical force. Directs Board on Public Safety Standards and Training to adopt rules prohibiting training of police officers and reserve officers to use force that impedes normal breathing or circulation of blood of another person by applying pressure on throat or neck, except as defensive maneuver.

H.B. 4205 – 2020

Use of force, Peer reporting

Directs Department of Public Safety Standards and Training to adopt rules requiring police officer to intervene to stop another police officer from engaging in act that is unethical or that violates law, rules or policy. Directs department to adopt rules requiring police officer to report to appropriate authority when any police officer engages in act that is unethical or that violates law, rules or policy. Requires police officer or reserve officer to intervene to prevent or stop another officer engaged in certain misconduct, unless intervening officer cannot intervene safely. Requires police officer or reserve officer who witnesses another officer engaged in certain misconduct to report misconduct to supervisor within 72 hours after witnessing misconduct. Prohibits discrimination or retaliation against officer who intervenes or reports as required. Directs Department of Public Safety Standards and Training to report annually to appropriate committee of Legislative Assembly on rules adopted by department to implement requirements.

H.B. 4208 – 2020

Use of force

Prohibits law enforcement agencies from using tear gas or from using long range acoustic devices or sound cannons for purposes of crowd control except in circumstances constituting riot. Requires law enforcement agency to follow certain procedure when using tear gas in circumstances constituting riot.

H.B. 4301 – 2020

Use of force

Provides that peace officer or corrections officer may not use force that impedes normal breathing or circulation of blood of another person by applying pressure on throat or neck except in specified circumstances. Modifies justification defenses available to peace officer who uses physical force or deadly physical force upon another person. Requires peace officer to give verbal warning, and reasonable opportunity to comply, before using physical force or deadly physical force if reasonable opportunity to do so exists. Requires peace officer to consider alternatives to physical force or deadly physical force if reasonable opportunity to do so exists.

H.B. 2162 – 2021

Other training

Directs Department of Public Safety Standards and Training to designate one or more accrediting bodies for law enforcement agencies with 35 or more sworn police officers. Phases in requirement for law enforcement agencies to become accredited based on agency size. Directs department to report to Legislative Assembly on amount of additional instruction hours necessary to expand equity training in basic training course for police officers. Adds two public members to Board of Public Safety Standards and Training. Adds public member to Police Policy Committee of board. Directs department to develop statewide equity training program for police officers and require training for basic certification as police officer. Provides that police officer certification may be denied, suspended or revoked if officer has been discharged for cause for use of excessive force, abuse of lawful authority or discriminatory policing. Increases specified limitation on expenditures by department for purposes of carrying out Act.

H.B. 2513 – 2021

Other training

Requires police officers to be trained in airway and circulatory anatomy and physiology and certified in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Requires peace officer to request emergency medical services within 60 seconds immediately after encountering restrained person suffering respiratory or cardiac compromise in certain circumstances.

H.B. 2928 – 2021

Use of force

Regulates use of chemical incapacitants, kinetic impact projectiles , sound devices and strobe lights and sound devices by law enforcement agencies. Prohibits law enforcement agency from using proxy law enforcement agency to enact measures that court or statute has barred law enforcement agency from using. Prohibits law enforcement agency from acting in concert with another law enforcement agency to engage in misconduct barred by statute or court order. Declares emergency, effective on passage.

H.B. 2929 – 2021

Peer reporting

Modifies police officer's duty to report misconduct. Requires police officers to report violation of certain minimum standards. Requires law enforcement unit to investigate reports of misconduct and violation of standards. Directs Bureau of Labor and Industries to establish and maintain form and database for reports of misconduct and to investigate certain reports of misconduct. Directs Department of Public Safety Standards and Training to establish and maintain form for reports of misconduct or violation of standards and to forward reports of misconduct or violation of standards to law enforcement units.

H.B. 2930 – 2021


Relating to standards concerning law enforcement officer conduct.

H.B. 3145 – 2021

Data transparency

Directs Department of Public Safety Standards and Training to establish publicly available database of certain information about misconduct and discipline of public safety employees established by department.] Requires reporting of complaints, allegations, charges, disciplinary proceedings, certain judicial findings and prosecutorial determinations, suspensions and revocations of certification and certain resignations and terminations of public safety employees to department for inclusion in database. Modifies crime of tampering with public records. Creates crime of recklessly tampering with public records, punishable by maximum of 364 days' imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both.] Allows production of disciplinary records of public safety employees under public records law.] Declares emergency, effective on passage.] Requires law enforcement unit that imposes discipline including economic sanction on police officer to report to Department of Public Safety Standards and Training. Requires department to include discipline of police officers involving economic sanctions in statewide online database of information about police officers.

See also

S.B. 204, H.B. 2932, H.B. 2936, H.B. 4201, S.B. 621, H.B. 2527

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H.B. 1988 – 2022

Other training

An Act amending Titles 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) and 53 (Municipalities Generally) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in recordings by law enforcement officers, further providing for definitions; in employees, further providing for definitions; and providing for automatic certification by the Municipal Police Officers' Education and Training Commission.

S.B. 1193 – 2022

Other training

An Act amending Title 44 (Law and Justice) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in other officers, codifying provisions relating to sheriffs and deputy sheriffs; further providing for sheriff training requirement and for Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff Education and Training Account; and making editorial changes and a related repeal.

H.B. 940 – 2022

Other training

An Act amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses), 35 (Health and Safety), 42 (Judiciary and Judiciary Procedure) and 53 (Municipalities Generally) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in burglary and other criminal intrusion, further providing for definitions, for the offense of burglary and for the offense of criminal trespass; in cruelty to animals, further providing for police animals; in emergency medical services system, providing for injured police animals; in immunities generally, further providing for emergency response provider and bystander good Samaritan civil immunity; and, in employees, providing for canine training standards for police officers.

See also

H.B. 1841

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S.B. 2811 – 2022 (Sections 11-47-17 and 11-47-17.1 of the Rhode Island General Laws)

Other training

Requires correctional officers to qualify annually with the pistol or revolver rather than the previous requirement of biennial qualification.

S.B. 2236 – 2022 (Section 42-11-2.7 of the Rhode Island General Laws)

Other training

Requires the office of diversity, equity and opportunity (ODEO) to create, and for all state and municipal employees to receive, annual training in cultural competency. Defines "cultural competency".

See also

H.B. 5417 (Section 38-2-2)

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H.B. 3050 – 2022

Use of force, Early intervention, Investigations, Peer reporting, Other training

An act to amend section 23-23-40, Code Of Laws Of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the certification of a law enforcement officer employed or appointed by a public law enforcement agency, so as to provide this provision applies to law enforcement officers employed or appointed after July 1, 2022, to provide noncertified law enforcement officers shall only perform duties as law enforcement officers while accompanied by certified law enforcement officers, and to make a technical change; to amend section 23-23-150, relating to the adjudication of allegations of misconduct by law enforcement officers, so as to define the definition of the term "misconduct", to revise the criteria a sheriff or chief executive officer of a law enforcement agency or department must use when filing a report of misconduct against a law enforcement officer, to provide the procedure for prosecuting incidences of misconduct…

H.B. 4120 – 2024

Other training

An act to amend the South Carolina Code of Laws by adding Section 23-3-80 so as to create the "Illegal Immigration Enforcement Unit" within the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, to provide for its administration and duties, and to require it to enter into a memorandum of agreement with the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency; and by repealing Section 23-6-60 and Chapter 30 of Title 8 relating to the creation of the Illegal Immigration Enforcement unit within the Department of Public Safety and the recording and reporting of immigration law violations.

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H.B. 1064 – 2021

Other training

Make an appropriation for and the establishment of peer support and critical incident stress management training for first responder organizations, and to declare an emergency.

S.B. 135 – 2021

Other training

Reforms training requirements for law enforcement officers.

S.B. 195 – 2022

Use of force, Investigation

Establishes the burden of proof after a claim of immunity.

H.B. 1071 – 2023

Use of force, Other training

Establishes use of force course standards.

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S.B. 1380 – 2021

Use of force, Data transparency, Peer reporting, De-escalation training, Other training

As enacted, requires law enforcement agencies to develop certain policies regarding the use of force; prohibits magistrates from issuing no-knock warrants; establishes certain reporting requirements. - Amends TCA Title 38; Title 39 and Title 40.

S.B. 0399 – 2022

Other training

As enacted, requires each law enforcement officer specifically assigned to the traffic division of a local law enforcement agency or its equivalent, or for whom a county sheriff or chief of police deems it necessary, to undergo training on the proper testing procedures for use in investigating cases of suspected driving under the influence. - Amends TCA Title 38, Chapter 8 and Title 55, Chapter 10, Part 4.

S.B. 0591 – 2023


This bill alters provisions of law regarding the investigation of police officers by generally replacing all variations of the terms "agency" or "the officer's agency" with "municipality" or "the municipality that employs the police officer"; replaces community oversight boards with authorization for municipalities to create police advisory and review committees.

See also

H.B. 2649, S.B. 265

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S.B. 69 – 2021

Use of force, Peer reporting

Relating to the use of force by peace officers.

H.B. 3712 – 2021

Other training

Relating to the training of and policies for peace officers.

S.B. 1484 – 2023

Other training

Relating to a border operations training program for peace officers employed by local law enforcement agencies.

H.B. 3 – 2023

Other training

Relating to measures for ensuring public school safety, including the development and implementation of purchases relating to and funding for public school safety and security requirements and the provision of safety-related resources.

S.B. 999 – 2023

Other training

Relating to the requirement that providers of active shooter training at public schools and institutions of higher education obtain a certificate issued by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement.

S.B. 1852 – 2023

Other training

Relating to active shooter training for peace officers.

H.B. 568 – 2023

Other training

Relating to education and training for peace officers on interacting with persons with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.

H.B. 533 – 2023

Other training

Relating to training for peace officers on responding to and investigating child fatalities.

S.B. 133 – 2023

Use of force

Relating to prohibiting the physical restraint of or use of chemical irritants or Tasers on certain public school students by peace officers and school security personnel under certain circumstances.

See also

S.B. 2212

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H.B. 5007 Peace Officer Amendments – 2020

Use of force

This bill prohibits training peace officers in the use of chokeholds or restraints that may cause unconsciousness and prohibits a peace officer's use of such a restraint.

S.B. 13 Law Enforcement Internal Investigation Requirements - 2021

Data transparency, Investigations

This bill adjusts requirements for law enforcement agencies to conduct internal investigations regarding law enforcement officers.

S.B. 106 Use of Force Amendments – 2021

Use of force

This bill addresses statewide use of force standards for peace officers.

H.B. 162 Peace Officer Training Amendments – 2021

De-escalation training, Other training

This bill requires a portion of a peace officer's annual training to include certain subjects.

H.B. 123 Use of Force Revisions – 2022

Use of force, Investigations, Data transparency

This bill addresses the use of force by peace officers.

S.B. 126 Officer Intervention and Reporting Amendments – 2022

Peer reporting

This bill sets minimum standards for officer intervention and reporting of police misconduct.

S.B. 124 Law Enforcement Officer Amendments – 2023

Early intervention, Investigations

This bill addresses provisions related to law enforcement officers.

H.B. 43 Domestic Violence Modifications – 2023

Other training

This bill defines terms; creates the Domestic Violence Data Task Force (task force) and describes the duties of the task force; includes a sunset date for the task force; requires the Department of Public Safety to staff the task force; removes provisions requiring the Department of Public Safety and the State Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice to collect certain domestic violence data; and makes technical and conforming changes.

S.B. 101 Peace Officer Training Modifications – 2023

Other training

This bill requires a portion of a peace officer's basic training to include certain subjects involving victim targeting.

H.B. 102 Peace Officer Standards and Training Amendments – 2024

De-escalation training, Other training

This bill modifies the training requirements of peace officers.

H.B. 177 Forcible Entry Warrant Amendments – 2024

Use of force

This bill amends the requirements for law enforcement officers to forcibly enter a premises.

H.B. 86 Public Safety Data Amendments – 2024

Data transparency

This bill amends and enacts provisions related to the collection and reporting of public safety data.


See also

H.B. 403, S.B. 38, S.B. 47, S.B. 196, H.B. 237, H.B. 334, H.B. 1001, H.B. 301, H.B. 264, H.B. 62, H.B. 22, S.B. 150, H.B. 124, H.B. 260, S.B. 117, H.B. 352

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Use of Force
Data Transparency
Early Intervention
Peer Reporting
De-escalation Training
Other Training

S.219 – 2020

Use of force, Data transparency, Investigations, Peer reporting

An act relating to addressing racial bias and excessive use of force by law enforcement.

S.124 – 2020

Data transparency, Investigations

An act relating to governmental structures protecting the public health, safety and welfare.

S.119 – 2020

Use of force

An act relating to a statewide standard and policy for law enforcement use of force.

H.145 – 2021

Use of force

An act relating to amending the standards for law enforcement use of force.

S.250 – 2021

Data transparency, Investigations

An act relating to law enforcement data collection and interrogation.

S.254 – 2021

Data transparency

An act relating to maintaining records of judgments and settlements paid by law enforcement agencies and a legal analysis of qualified immunity.

See also

H.476, H.482, S.17

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Use of Force
Data Transparency
Early Intervention
Peer Reporting
De-escalation Training
Other Training

S.B. 5014 – 2020

Other training

Relating to minimum training standards for law-enforcement officers; crisis intervention team training.

S.B. 5024 (H.B. 5072) – 2020


Law-enforcement misconduct. Authorizes the Attorney General to file a civil suit or inquire into or seek to conciliate, through the Division of Human Rights, any unlawful pattern and practice against the Commonwealth or a locality whenever the Attorney General has reasonable cause to believe that law-enforcement officers of any agency of the Commonwealth or any locality are engaging in a pattern or practice that deprives persons of rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the laws of the United States and the Commonwealth…

H.B. 5029 – 2020

Use of force, Peer Reporting

Relating to law-enforcement officer; failure to intervene in use of excessive force; penalties.

H.B. 5030 – 2020

Use of force, Data transparency, De-escalation training, Other training

Relating to police reform.

H.B. 5069 – 2020

Use of force

Relating to law-enforcement officers; prohibition on the use of neck restraints.

H.B. 5109 – 2020

Use of force

Relating to the Department of Criminal Justice Services; law-enforcement officer training and qualifications.

H.B. 283 (S.B. 467) – 2022

Other training

Relating to human trafficking training for law-enforcement personnel.

H.B. 2250 – 2023

Other training

Relating to Department of Criminal Justice Services; powers and duties; training for law-enforcement personnel.

See also

S.B. 1256, S.B. 5035, H.B. 5051, H.B. 5104, H.B. 2004, S.B. 17

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Use of Force
Data Transparency
Early Intervention
Peer Reporting
De-escalation Training
Other Training

S.B. 5066 – 2021-22

Use of force, Peer reporting, Other training

Concerning a peace officer's duty to intervene.

S.B. 5259 – 2021-22

Data transparency

Concerning law enforcement data collection.

H.B. 1267 – 2021-22


Concerning investigation of potential criminal conduct arising from police use of force, including custodial injuries, and other officer-involved incidents.

H.B. 1310 – 2021-22

Use of force

Concerning permissible uses of force by law enforcement and correctional officers.

H.B. 1735 – 2021-22

Use of force

Modifying the standard for use of force by peace officers.

H.B. 2037 – 2021-22

Use of force

Modifying the standard for use of force by peace officers.

S.B. 5051 – 2021-22

Data transparency

Concerning state oversight and accountability of peace officers and corrections officers.

H.B. 1132 – 2023-24

Other training

Concerning oversight and training requirements for limited authority Washington peace officers and agencies.

S.B. 5352 – 2023-24

Use of force

Concerning vehicular pursuits.

H.B. 1715 – 2023-24

Other training

Enacting comprehensive protections for victims of domestic violence and other violence involving family members or intimate partners.

S.B. 6009 – 2023-24

Use of force

Prohibiting the use of hog-tying.

See also

S.B. 5353, S.B. 5263, H.B. 1223, H.B. 1089, H.B. 1054, H.B. 1001, S.B. 5644, S.B. 1290

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De-escalation Training
Other Training

S.B. 634 – 2021

Other training

Requiring training of certain officers for persons with autism spectrum disorder.

S.B. 434 – 2021

Other training

Requiring training for law-enforcement officers responsible for investigating crimes of sexual assault.

S.B. 570 – 2022

Other training

Establishing training for law-enforcement in handling individuals with Alzheimer's and dementias.

S.B. 208 – 2023

Other training

Relating to criminal justice training for all law-enforcement and correction officers regarding individuals with autism spectrum disorders.

S.B. 300 – 2023

Other training

Relating to law-enforcement training and certification.

See also

H.B. 2891, S.B. 335

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Use of Force
Data Transparency
Early Intervention
Peer Reporting
De-escalation Training
Other Training

S.B. 120 – 2021

Use of force, Peer reporting

Relating to: law enforcement agency policies on the use of force.

S.B. 121 – 2021

Use of force

Relating to: prohibiting use of choke holds by law enforcement officers in use of force policies.

S.B. 122 – 2021

Use of force, Data transparency

Relating to: public access to policies regarding the use of force by law enforcement.

S.B. 123 – 2021

Data transparency

Relating to: reporting of law enforcement use of force incidents.

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Use of Force
Data Transparency
Early Intervention
Peer Reporting
De-escalation Training
Other Training

H.B. 31 Peace officers-records and reporting – 2024

Data transparency

An act relating to the administration of government; requiring personnel files of peace officers, detention officers, corrections officers and dispatchers to be available to the peace officer standards and training commission as specified; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.

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