Whitepapers & Guides

A Learning Path Template for Architects, Designers & Engineers




Architecture and DesignEngineeringLearning & DevelopmentProfessional Development

As the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) market continues to experience robust growth, the competition for architects and engineers is fierce. Over half of engineers and architects quit because they want more opportunities for career advancement. That means one of the best ways to become an employer of choice is to invest in employee learning and development programs.

Creating clear career paths for your architects and engineers is a critical component to retaining them. This starts with your plan for upskilling and training your workforce.

Develop & Upskill Your Architects, Engineers, Designers, and Project Managers

A 2023 study from the Engineering Management Institute found 55% of architects and engineers would consider leaving their current employer for a new opportunity. Why? AEC employees report low engagement, few advancement opportunities, and not feeling valued at work as top reasons to job search.

Luckily, investing in architect career paths and engineer career paths can help you show your staff the organization values them and provides opportunities to advance their careers.

Our customized learning paths show you a complete training curriculum for employees by role. Whether you’re onboarding engineers in training or providing upskilling opportunities to your existing staff, these learning pathways offer numerous ways to train or grow your workforce.

Architecture & Engineering Learning Path Benefits

  • Quickly onboard new employees into a wide variety of architecture, engineering, and design roles, including:
    • Engineers
    • Engineers in Training
    • Architects
    • Interior Designers
    • Landscape Designers
    • Safety Managers
    • And more!
  • Provide numerous ways for employees to advance their careers and learn new skills, increasing employee retention
  • Develop skills to remain compliant and on the cutting-edge of industry trends (e.g., accessibility, sustainability, and more)
  • Close skills gaps with skills based and professional development training
  • Save time creating curated learning programs

Request a demo and download our learning path template to unlock new ways to onboard, retain, and upskill your architects, designers, and engineers.

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