

January 31, 2024 min read

Protect, Prepare, & Comply: Vector’s Top 5 Training Topics


Multiple Industries


Learning & DevelopmentOnline TrainingProfessional Development

Safety is at the core of our mission – and even a quick glance at our most popular courses and training topics will demonstrate that with a total of nearly 7 million course completions in 2023. All of our courses are designed to keep workers across a broad range of critical industries prepared, protected, and compliant with important safety regulations and requirements. The completion of required courses becomes the foundation of knowledge and efficient communication that we can leverage to keep our workplaces, schools, and communities safe.

Courses that promote a strong workplace safety culture not only protect your valuable team members and the community at large, they also constitute a strategic investment for your company and often have a clear financial return on investment. In a notable study by Liberty Mutual, 60% of CFOs reported that for every $1 invested in injury prevention, there was a return of $2 or more. This means that you literally cannot afford to skip out on making safety training a critical component of your business strategy.

Mission-Minded Safety Training

Our mission is to elevate and support the everyday heroes who are making a real impact in their communities. By providing them with mission-critical training and workflow solutions that suit their unique needs, our customers can do what they do best – make our communities better, safer places to live. With Vector’s top training topics across all industries, you’ll be able to do just that:

Harassment Prevention

This training topic spreads across many industries with more than 1.4 million course completions in 2023 because of how prevalent it can be. According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, between fiscal year 2018 and fiscal year 2021, they received a total of 27,291 charges alleging sexual harassment. Sexual harassment can have lasting impacts on individuals, organizations, and the community, such as psychological trauma, a hostile work environment for employees, damaged reputations, negative publicity, civil liability, and even criminal charges. This is an incredibly important topic and employees should understand their roles and obligations if they experience or witness it on the job.

This course, and other courses like it, are designed to provide people with a basic understanding of sexual harassment and strategies to maintain a harassment-free environment.

Child Abuse Prevention & Mandatory Reporting

While each state has its own laws and regulations as to reporting incidents of child abuse, in nearly all states all school employees are considered mandatory reporters. This means that if any school staff member has reasonable cause to believe a child is being abused, they must report suspected incidents to one or more of the following: local law enforcement, child protection services, and building or district administrators.

This training topic provides background information on the different types of child abuse/child maltreatment. It offers training scenarios for physical abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse; identifies indicators to assist in abuse and neglect; states the legal responsibilities of reporting and handling disclosures; and uses the Internet, PDF files, and documents to provide specialized reference materials. This important topic, with just over 1.8 million completions in 2023, can help us better protect the children in our communities.

Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Prevention

Working in any environment with a high concentration of people can increase the risk of exposure to germs and infectious agents on a daily basis. With a staggering 2.6 million course completions in 2023, the importance of this critical topic becomes even more apparent. Exposure to and contact with bodily fluids can put you in danger of infection. Bloodborne pathogens are infectious microorganisms in human blood that can cause disease.

This critical topic provides an overview of the dangers posed by bloodborne pathogens and steps you can take to protect yourself, your team, and your community from exposure. It also covers exposure risk, OSHA guidelines, universal precautions, personal protective equipment, and safe cleanup and disposal practices.


Breaking into the top five training topics this year is cybersecurity. Threats of cybersecurity breaches are on the rise with global attacks spiking by 40 to 45% in 2023. Agencies must be proactive in protecting sensitive corporate and personal information. In our digital world today, attackers are lurking behind every click of the mouse or tap on the screen. Many people forget that they are the keepers of their own security safety and the security safety of the institutions for which they are employed.

Through this important training topic, which had over half a million completions last year, learners receive information about the who, what, how, and why of security attacks. This includes the potential losses associated with successful security breaches by hackers and demonstrates the different ways in which those security breaches can occur. This training topic also empowers learners with important actions they can take within their organization to limit security risks.

Hazard Communications GHS

Many workplaces use hazardous chemicals, which is why our training topic on hazard communications GHS saw over half a million completions in 2023. It can be confusing or hard  to understand the various labeling requirements for these chemicals and the information provided to employees about the hazards these chemicals present. Concern and confusion about these issues increased when OSHA updated its Hazard Communication Standard in 2012 so “HazCom” would more closely align with the Globally Harmonized System (GHS).

This important training topic provides learners with an overview of the key issues covered in the Hazard Communication Standard, including the 2012 revision to align with GHS, and provides the information that employees need to know about the labeling of hazardous chemicals in all parts of their product cycle.

A Workplace Culture Committed to Safety Benefits Everyone

Our clients in critical industries, from K-12 and higher education to law enforcement, fire safety, industrial manufacturing, and more, rely upon efficient and effective technology solutions to keep their workplaces and communities safe, which is why we saw nearly 7 million course completions on these critical topics in 2023. Being proactive in your training can make all the difference in preventing costly injuries and hazardous, illegal workplace incidents. Staying compliant is about much more than just checking off requirements, it’s about doing the best for everyone at your company. Vector’s robust and award-winning course catalog that covers relevant, critical training topics can help you protect your team and your community, while mitigating risk to your organization and optimizing profitability, too.

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