Different Types of Diversity on Campus that You Can’t See With The Naked Eye


Most college campuses have many different types of diversity in their student body. And, while some forms of diversity are well-known, such as race, religion or ethnicity, some are not as apparent.

In fact, many different types of diversity, or qualities, that make people diverse are impossible to see with the naked eye. And these types of diversity can be just as important as others.

As we have noted before, there are countless benefits of having a diverse student body campus, as well as diversity among faculty. Exposing students to different points of view can only benefit their education – especially the different types of diversity that are not thought of often or visually apparent.

What Are Some Less Familiar Types of Diversity in Schools?

As we have noted, diversity can come in many different forms. And exposing students to these different types of diversity in the classroom will help them understand the challenges their peers face. So what are some lesser-known forms of diversity? Well, we’ve compiled a list:

  1. Marital and parental status
  2. Sexual orientation
  3. Height, weight, and appearance
  4. Level of education
  5. Family background
  6. Economic class
  7. Upbringing
  8. Food choices
  9. Working and parenting styles
  10. Major life experiences
  11. Travel experiences
  12. Work history
  13. Communication style

As you can see, the list of the different types of diversity is quite long, but it barely scratches the surface. There are still many other forms of diversity and qualities people have contributed to the diversity of your campus.

Diversity & Inclusion Training

Diversity, equity, and inclusion training for college students can be challenging. Vector Solutions (formerly Everfi's Campus Prevention Network) presents unique experiences of real people to explore key concepts such as identity, power, privilege, and communication.

But with increased diversity, comes different challenges you’ll need to address. For instance, a student might want to join an intramural sports team but is not given the chance because of negative assumptions about their abilities due to their weight. This student might have the skills necessary to be a productive member of the team, but may not get the chance to prove themselves.

While you probably can’t prevent all types of bullying and exclusion, investing in a campus diversity and inclusion plan is definitely a step in the right direction. Additionally, promoting different types of diversity on your campus only benefits your students in the long run. The world is a very diverse place, and teaching your students about its benefits will set them up for success.

Embracing Different Types of Diversity in the College Classroom

As we have stated before, embracing the many types of diversity in your campus and classrooms offers tremendous benefits to students. And training is a great way to help introduce many of these topics and issues so that you can invite faculty and students to lifelong learning.

However, training your students about different types of campus diversity and inclusion issues isn’t always easy. Vector Solutions is here to help. We offer a suite of diversity and inclusion training for your entire campus: faculty, administrators, staff and students.

Diversity & Inclusion Training

Diversity, equity, and inclusion training for college students can be challenging. Vector Solutions presents unique experiences of real people to explore key concepts such as identity, power, privilege, and communication.

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