Managing Professional Growth by Integrating Individual Professional Development Plans (IPDPs), Evaluations, and PD Tracking into a Single Online Solution


During a Vector Solutions Power Play Education Series event in Tampa, Florida, Mark MacLean, Superintendent of Schools at SAU #46 in New Hampshire presented strategies to manage professional growth by integrating individual professional development plans (IPDPs), evaluations, and PD tracking into a single online solution.

SAU #46 serves Merrimack Valley and Andover School Districts totaling about 2,650 students among seven schools near Penacook, New Hampshire.

Prior to TeachPoint, the evaluation system at SAU #46 focused on beginning teachers. Seasoned educators would sometimes go decades without formal feedback. Mark and his team were searching for an online solution that was efficient, intuitive, and flexible. They were also searching for an entrepreneurial company that would suit the districts’ needs and allow them to break away from “the great paper chase.”

Goal: Connect PD and Evaluation in a Seamless Solution

In New Hampshire, certified professionals must complete professional development to maintain and renew their certification. This certification span is three years and Individual Professional Development Plans (IPDPs) are part of the educator renewal process. SAU #46 piloted TeachPoint with teachers at different schools who were not in year three of their recertification cycle. After the pilot year, everyone in year one of their recertification cycle entered into TeachPoint, followed by a group in year one of their recertification cycle the next year, then another group the following year. After three years, all 550 teachers at SAU #46 were in the TeachPoint system.

By connecting professional development and goal setting in TeachPoint, SAU #46 educators are able to work towards their recertification. Every teacher does goal setting in the fall then goal reflections with evaluators in the spring. Depending on where they are in the recertification cycle, goals may be moved into next year and used as evidence that a teacher is working towards those goals. The supervision and professional development process is initiated with a professional development form in TeachPoint. Plans are established and uploaded.

When a teacher wants to attend a professional development event, the tagging feature in TeachPoint is used to tie the PD event and the goal setting together. The PD event tag is used as evidence that a teacher is working towards his or her goals. This supportive coaching model encourages teachers to bring evidence into the conversation. TeachPoint forms also allowed the district to create their own rating scale based on walkthrough evaluations.

To learn more about how SAU #46 is connecting IPDPs, Evaluations, and PD Tracking in TeachPoint, view Mark’s presentation on Integrated Online Solutions here.

We’d also like to congratulate Mark MacLean on being named 2020 New Hampshire Superintendent of the Year. Thanks for all you do for your educators and TeachPoint!

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