Donna Y. Ford, Ph.D.

Donna Y. Ford, Ph.D.

Donna Y. Ford, PhD, is Professor of Education and Human Development at Vanderbilt University. Professor Ford conducts research primarily in gifted education and multicultural/urban education. She is the author/co-author of several books, including Reversing Underachievement Among Gifted Black Students, Multicultural Gifted Education, Gifted and advanced Black Students in School: An Anthology of Critical Works, In Search of the Dream: Designing Schools and Classrooms that Work for High Potential Students from Diverse Cultural Backgrounds, Diverse Learners with Exceptionalities: Culturally Responsive Teaching in the Inclusive Classroom and Teaching Culturally Diverse Gifted Students. She consults with school districts, and educational and legal organizations on such topics as gifted education under-representation and Advanced Placement, multicultural/urban education and counseling, and closing the achievement gap.

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