Active Shooter Response

An active shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area. In many cases, active shooters use multiple firearms and there is often no pattern or method to their selection of victims. This course describes the best actions to take in an active shooter situation as well as the correct ways to interact with law enforcement officers.

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Course Details

Learning Objectives

• State the approximate number of mass shootings since 2010 • Describe the value of having a personal active shooter response plan • List the three major components of an active shooter response plan • Describe some of the correct ways to interact with law enforcement officers at an active shooting


Course Level Intermediate
Languages English, Spanish
Compatibility Audio, Video
Based on: Industry Standards and Best Practices

Vector Solutions


With over two decades of experience designing advanced 3D animated courseware and developing our proprietary learning management software, we pride ourselves by having developed over 1,000 safety and operations training modules, which have helped train over 250,000 workers worldwide. Our highly experienced team provides the industry with a simple and high-quality means of training their workforce. Whether your team consists of 25 people or an enterprise with thousands, we’re here to help.

Key Questions

What is the value of having a plan for responding to an active shooter?
Having a plan could save your life. Putting a little thought into how to respond to a shooter will increase your chances of responding rationally and correctly in a very dangerous situation where taking quick action is essential.

What is the best first course of action you can take if faced by an active shooter?
If it is possible to remove yourself from the area of the shooter, do it. In other words, run.

What are some characteristics of a good hiding place?
Hiding is better than being seen, and it is best if you can hide and still maintain some mobility. If you are behind a desk, you can move as the situation changes, if you are stuck in a closet, there is no escape if you are found.

When running from a shooter, why is it a good idea to put your hands in the air?
If you are running away from a shooting area and law enforcement officers are running in, they have no way of knowing the good guys from the bad guys. Holding your hands up indicates that you are not part of the threat.

Is there any point in fighting a shooter?
Try to avoid fighting an armed person. If it is the only course of action left to you, there is some hope in the fact that unarmed civilians restraining the shooter have ended 13% of the mass shootings in the past 15 years.

Sample Video Transcript

If you are unable to run, the next best action is to hide. A hiding place should obviously keep you out of the shooter’s view. If you have a choice, try to choose a place which restricts your ability to move as little as possible. For example, crouching behind a counter or low wall which you can crawl around as the shooter moves is better than being stuck in a closet, or under a desk with no means of escape if you are discovered. Obviously, if your hiding place can provide protection from bullets as well as provide visual cover, that is an advantage. If there is an opportunity to lock a door and/or create a barricade between your hiding place and the shooter, by all means take those actions to protect yourself.

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