DOT Hazmat – Placarding

The DOT requires marking, labeling, and placarding of hazardous materials being transported in commerce to, from, or within the U.S. The term “placarding” refers to the placement of large durable versions of hazard labels on transport vehicles, bulk packages, freight containers, unit load devices, and rail cars. The purpose of marking, labeling, and placarding is to communicate the potential dangers of hazardous materials. Placards are especially important to emergency responders, who use this information to initiate protective actions after an incident or accidental release.

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Course Details

Learning Objectives

• Define the terms “hazardous material,” “packaging,” “package,” “bulk” packaging, and “non-bulk” packaging, as defined in the Hazardous Material Regulations (HMR)
• Identify the hazmat packaging employees who must comply with the HMR
• Identify markings, labels, and placards on hazardous material shipments
• Describe placards that are prohibited, including the exceptions that are allowed
• Describe general placarding requirements for hazardous material shipments to, from, and within the U.S., including how to use the placarding tables in the HMR, and placarding provisions and exceptions


Course Level Intermediate
Languages English
Compatibility Audio, Video
Based on: HMR Placarding Requirements, 49 CFR § 172 Subpart F

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Key Questions

Is it ok to replace the text on hazmat placards with ID numbers?
In most cases, as long as the placards comply with Section 172.334. ID numbers are not allowed on RADIOACTIVE, EXPLOSIVES, DANGEROUS, and subsidiary hazard placards.

Can international placards replace HMR-compliant placards?
Yes, if the placards conform to certain international specifications. This is not true for poisonous-by-inhalation materials, which must be placarded in accordance with the HMR.

How can I determine if a material must be placarded?
DOT placarding requirements are specified in Tables 1 and 2 in Section 172.504 of the HMR. Consult both tables to determine which placards must be used and what options are available.

What is the difference between the two placarding tables?
Table 1 materials must be placarded when transported in any quantity and in any packaging, while Table 2 materials must be placarded when transported in bulk packaging or in non-bulk packaging when the amount equals or exceeds 1,001 pounds.

When can a DANGEROUS placard be used?
When multiple Table 2 materials are transported in non-bulk packages in a vehicle or freight container, and their aggregate gross weight equals or exceeds 1,001 pounds, a single DANGEROUS placard can be used instead of multiple placards, unless one material exceeds 2,205 pounds.

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Placards may only be affixed or displayed on a packaging, freight container, unit load device, transport vehicle, or rail car if:
• The material being offered or transported meets the definition of a hazardous material
• The placard represents a hazard of the hazardous material being offered or transported
• The placarding conforms to HMR requirements Placards that do not satisfy all three of these requirements are prohibited. Also, any sign, slogan, advertisement, or device that, based on its color, design, shape, or content, could be confused with any placard prescribed by the HMR is also prohibited.

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