Heavy Equipment Visibility

When operating heavy equipment, the driver’s view is likely to be blocked in several directions. These “blind spots” can even obscure a person standing right next to the equipment. One wrong move and that person could be injured or even killed. But these incidents do not have to happen. This module will discuss how to safely operate and work around heavy equipment to avoid injuries.

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Course Details

Learning Objectives

• Describe how to properly observe the worksite before beginning work • Describe the items that should be inspected before operating heavy equipment • Describe how to scan the worksite while driving heavy equipment • Identify the most common areas for blind spots • Describe safe practices for operating heavy equipment near people • Identify and describe tips for working near heavy equipment


Course Level Intermediate
Languages English, Portuguese
Compatibility Audio, Video
Based on: Industry Standards and Best Practices

Vector Solutions


With over two decades of experience designing advanced 3D animated courseware and developing our proprietary learning management software, we pride ourselves by having developed over 1,000 safety and operations training modules, which have helped train over 250,000 workers worldwide. Our highly experienced team provides the industry with a simple and high-quality means of training their workforce. Whether your team consists of 25 people or an enterprise with thousands, we’re here to help.

Key Questions

What are some of the first things you should do before beginning work on a site?
Before beginning work, be sure to understand the conditions of your site. Locate the restricted zones where operation is not allowed and keep those in mind, and then can the operations area for any potential problems (poor road conditions, traffic hazards, or blocked intersections). Lastly, you should arrange to have a spotter at all locations where it will be impossible for you to verify it is safe to operate.

What items are included on a pre-operation visibility checklist?
Inspecting windows to make sure they are clean and easy to see through, verify all mirrors and camera systems are clean and not damaged, operate the backup alarm, horns, or any other alarm, and ensure all lights and signaling indicators are working.

What precautions should be taken when driving in bad weather?
Bad weather can make it even more difficult to see pedestrians and other hazards around heavy equipment. When driving in bad weather you should: drive slower than normal, be more cautious, turn on your lights, and make sure to use your wipers in rain or snow.

What should you never do when maneuvering heavy equipment around people?
You should never maneuver heavy equipment so that a person is between the equipment and a wall or fixed object. This is to prevent the vehicle from moving forward and crushing or impaling someone.

Sample Video Transcript

Blind spots are areas around the heavy equipment that a driver cannot see while looking forward or looking in the rear view or side view mirrors. The most common blind spots are areas near the back of the vehicle, on both the left and right side, and low spots immediately in front of the vehicles. Typically, the larger the equipment, the larger the blind spots. Therefore, drivers of heavy equipment need to be even more careful. Always adjust your mirrors to reduce your blind spots as much as possible, but never depend on your mirrors 100%.

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