Material Handling in Construction – Construction Worksite Safety

Without proper handling, storage, use, and disposal of construction materials serious injuries and illnesses can occur. Where safe work practices are not followed injuries, including death, can result from being crushed-by or caught in between materials and equipment. Additionally, the use of construction materials and the generation of waste require proper management through good housekeeping practices and proper disposal. Injuries that are often attributed to poor housekeeping and disposal management include trips and falls and exposure to hazardous chemicals.

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Course Details

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • List hazards associated with material handling, storage, use, and disposal
  • List safe handling practices and controls for the prevention of injury and illness
  • Recall recommended practices for managing and disposal of waste debris


Course Level Fundamental
Languages English
Compatibility Audio, Video, MobileReady, Responsive

Dan Hannan


Dan Hannan is a certified safety professional – a designation awarded through the Board of Certified Safety Professionals – and an OSHA-authorized outreach trainer. For the past 28 years, he has provided professional environmental, health and safety services to the oil and gas, construction, manufacturing and ethanol industries. His work has included project safety management, compliance auditing, risk assessment, training and program development.

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