MSHA Surface Miner Training and Documentation

This course discusses the development of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 (the Mine Act) and the creation of the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA). It also discusses MSHA activities, CFR Title 30 – Part 46 required training topics, and compliant documentation.

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Course Details

Learning Objectives

• State the origins of the Mine Act • Describe how the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) was created and what its mission is • State the purpose of Part 46 of Title 30 Code of Federal Regulations • List the training requirements for miners and contractors at surface mines • State the basic compliance requirements for miner training and documentation


Course Level Intermediate
Languages English
Compatibility Audio, Video
Based on: 30 CFR Part 46.5.b.4

Vector Solutions


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Key Questions

What is the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act?
It is a piece of legislation that was created in 1977 with the purpose of strengthening and expanding miners’ rights and protections beyond coal mining and into nonmetal mining operations.

How often does MSHA inspect surface and underground mines?
Surface mines are inspected two times per year and underground mines are inspected four times per year.

What do MSHA inspectors evaluate during a mine inspection?
Inspectors evaluate compliance with established health and safety standards, determine whether imminent danger exists, and issue citations if violations are found.

What is Title 30 Code of Federal Regulations?
Title 30 Code of Federal Regulations is a regulatory document comprised of 104 parts outlining governmental involvement in and oversight of several areas of the mining industry.

Who must receive training according to Part 46 of Title 30?
According to Part 46 of Title 30, new miners, newly hired experienced miners, miners assigned to new tasks, miners receiving annual refresher training, and others in need of site-specific hazard awareness are all required to receive training.

How much training are miners expected to receive?
New miners must receive no less than 24 hours of training within 90 days of a miner beginning work at a mine. Additionally, miners must receive no less than 8 hours of annual refresher training no later than 12 months after a miner begins work at a mine.

Sample Video Transcript

With its origins in the 1891 coal mining safety statute, the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977, also known as the Mine Act, represents the most comprehensive evolution of congressional mining legislation to date. The Mine Act strengthened and expanded miners rights and enhanced the protection of miners from retaliation. It also extended protection beyond coal mining, to metal and nonmetal mining operations. This graph illustrates the decline in annual mining fatalities to date. Prior to the Mine Act, the industry focused on developing better methods and equipment resulting in overall improvements to mining conditions and fewer deaths. The Mine Act placed stronger requirements on miner education and training, to improve the safety of individual miner performance.

Additional Resources

  • Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) –
  • MSHA Handbook –
  • MSHA Training Programs & Courses –
  • US Government Publishing Office (GPO) –
  • GPO Electronic Code of Federal Regulations –

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