Oregon Electrician 2020 NEC Changes: 2 Hour Program #2

This is a two-part course which covers the 2020 NEC Changes. Part One covers the changes in the Chapter 3 wiring method articles of the NEC, namely Articles 320 through 392 (AC cable through cable trays). Notable changes include new rules for cables in thermal insulation, a new article (337) for Type P cable, clarifying the different types of service entrance cables, clarifying the rules for stainless steel raceways and fittings, and addressing cable trays that utilize flanged openings.

Part Two of this course covers the changes in Articles 404, 406, 408, and 410 of the National Electrical Code®. Articles 404 and 406 contain the requirements for switches and receptacles. Article 408 covers panelboards, switchboards, and switchgear. Article 410 covers luminaires, lampholders, and lamps. Notable changes include updating the rules for switches, including listing requirements, new prohibited locations for receptacles, expansion of tamper-resistant receptacle requirements, new marking requirements for panelboards, switchboards, and switchgear, and addressing the unique needs of horticultural lighting.

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Course Details

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

· Identify the proper securing and supporting requirements for cables

· Determine when table 310.15 C1 has to be used for ampacity adjustments

· Name the conductors allowed for direct burial, and Given a conduit and environment, select the appropriate fittings

· Describe the permitted use and ratings of switches

· State the requirements when replacing automatically controlled receptacles

· Recall the rules for receptacles under sinks

· Note the approved placement of receptacles in bathrooms

· List the rating of nonlocking receptacles that must be tamper resistant if installed in dormitory units

· List the locations requiring tamper resistant receptacles

· Recognize when panelboards must be field labeled

· Recall the circumstances in which recessed luminaires can be used to access junction boxes

· Locate the part of the code that covers horticultural lighting


Course Level Intermediate
Languages English

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