Preventing Intersection Collisions – Turning

Intersections are one of the most dangerous locations on the roadway. Research has shown that a large number of crashes every year occur in an intersection or are intersection-related. This course identifies intersection hazards and strategies to prevent crashes in intersections.

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Course Details

Learning Objectives

• Define an intersection • Identify common types of intersections • Describe the most important strategy to preventing turning related crashes • Identify strategies to prevent T-intersection crashes • Describe how to safely navigate a roundabout


Course Level Intermediate
Languages English
Compatibility Audio, Video
Based on: Industry Standards and Best Practices

Vector Solutions


With over two decades of experience designing advanced 3D animated courseware and developing our proprietary learning management software, we pride ourselves by having developed over 1,000 safety and operations training modules, which have helped train over 250,000 workers worldwide. Our highly experienced team provides the industry with a simple and high-quality means of training their workforce. Whether your team consists of 25 people or an enterprise with thousands, we’re here to help.

Key Questions

What are the most common types of intersections?
The most common types of intersections include: Four-way intersections, T-intersections, Y-intersections, and Roundabouts.

Who has the right-of-way in a roundabout?
Vehicles already in the roundabout have the right-of-way.

Who has the right-of-way if you are at a stop light or stop sign at a T-intersection?
If you are at the stop light or stop sign at a T-intersection, the vehicles on the main road have the right-of-way.

Sample Video Transcript

This second strategy also applies to roundabouts or traffic circles. Roundabouts allow vehicles to travel through an intersection in a counter-clockwise circle. Vehicles already in the roundabout have the right-of-way. Wait to enter the roundabout until there is a large enough gap in traffic. Unless the traffic in front of you stops, you should never stop while navigating the roundabout.

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