Process Control Charts

Many production facilities use process control charts to track and visually show the behavior and stability of a process over time. This course covers the benefits of using process control charts, the importance of consistency, the many kinds of process control charts, the different elements of process control charts, and how to continually improve the production process.

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Course Details

Learning Objectives

• Describe the importance of reducing variation in a production process
• Define what a process control chart is
• List the benefits of using process control charts
• Differentiate between special cause variation and common cause variation
• Describe why variation is inevitable
• Differentiate between in-control and in-specification
• Read and make determinations based on sample process control charts


Course Level Intermediate
Languages English
Compatibility Audio, Video
Based on: Industry Standards and Best Practices

Vector Solutions


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Key Questions

What is a process control chart?
A graph of the values of a production process over time.

What are some benefits of process control charts?
They allow you to compare actual values with desired values. Also, they let you identify production problems and determine how to correct them. And finally, they let you identify improvements in a production process.

Will a company sometimes accept a certain amount of variation outside the specification limit?
Yes, this is known as acceptable variation outside specification.

How are control limits different than specification limits?
Specification limits describe how a process should run; control limits describe how the process really runs.

What is a centerline?
The average value of a process.

Sample Video Transcript

Producing consistent products is important, because customers want to know what to expect from the products they purchase. One way to ensure consistency is to inspect every product after it is made, and either reject or accept it. In many cases, 100% inspection is not efficient due to the variety, complexity, or the volume of products being produced. A better way to ensure consistency is to make sure that the production process runs the same way every time. If the process is the same, then the resulting product will be very consistent. Not only is the product consistent, the company can minimize the amount of money needed to test every unit of a product. Although variation is present in every production environment, process control charts help you understand the process so you can reduce variation and improve consistency.

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