RCRA – Generator, Container, and Tank Requirements

The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) was passed by congress in 1976 to manage hazardous wastes. RCRA regulations apply to any company that generates, transports, treats, stores, or disposes of hazardous waste. Generators (anyone that generates a hazardous waste) represent the first step in the management of hazardous waste. This course covers the classifications of generators and their regulatory requirements, waste minimization, container management requirements, hazardous waste tanks, and air emission standards and controls.

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Course Details

Learning Objectives

• Differentiate between the different classifications of hazardous waste generators
• Describe the regulations for hazardous waste accumulation
• Describe the requirements for tanks and containers used for storing hazardous waste
• Explain air emission standards
• Define volatile organic compounds


Course Level Intermediate
Languages English
Compatibility Audio, Video
Based on: 40 CFR 262 - Standards applicable to generators of hazardous waste

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Key Questions

What are the hazardous waste generator categories?
Large quantity generators (LQGs), Small quantity generators (SQGs), Very small quantity generators (VSQGs)

What is a large quantity generator?
A facility that generates at least 1,000 kg (2,200 lb) of hazardous waste per month , or more than 1 kg (2.2 lb) of acutely hazardous waste per month is considered a LQG

What is a small quantity generator?
A facility that generates between 100 and 1,000 kg (220 and 2,200 lb) of hazardous waste per month is considered a SQG

What is a satellite accumulation area?
A satellite accumulation area is an area at or near the point where hazardous waste initially accumulates when generated

What is the difference between a tank and a container?
A container is any portable device in which a material is stored, transported, treated, disposed of, or otherwise handled, including large tanker trucks. A tank is a stationary vessel used to store hazardous waste.

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Secondary containment is also required for tanks. The containment must prevent releases to the environment due to tank failure or accidental spills such as overfilling the tank. A leak detection system is also required. Acceptable containment options are: liners, vaults, or double-walled tanks. An external liner must be made from an impervious material. The liner can be used as containment for more than one tank, but it must be capable of holding 100% of the largest tank within its boundary, plus the amount of rain from a 25-year, 24-hour storm event. Tanks can also be located in underground chambers or vaults. Most vaults are made of concrete and lined on the inside and outside to prevent waste from escaping or water from entering the vault, because concrete is porous.

Additional Resources

  • Environmental Protection Agency – http://www.epa.gov
  • EPA Information Resources – http://www.epa.gov/epawaste/inforesources/online/index.htm
  • EPA Quick Reference Guide – http://www.epa.gov/epawaste/inforesources/pubs/trifold.pdf
  • EPA RCRA Policy Outline – http://www.epa.gov/agriculture/lrca.html

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