RCRA – Preparing for Transportation, Manifesting, and LDR

The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) was passed by congress in 1976 to manage hazardous wastes. RCRA regulations apply to any company that generates, transports, treats, stores, or disposes of hazardous waste. Generators (anyone that generates a hazardous waste) represent the first step in the management of hazardous waste. Once a generator has accumulated hazardous waste, it needs to be treated and disposed of. This often requires transporting the waste off-site to a treatment or disposal facility. A hazardous waste generator’s responsibility is to correctly classify, package, and label the hazardous waste so it can be easily identified and appropriately handled by the transporter, and delivered to the treatment, storage, or disposal facility (TSDF). This course covers preparation steps for transportation, hazardous waste training requirements, hazardous waste manifest, land disposal restrictions (LDR), and alternative treatment standards.

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Course Details

Learning Objectives

• Describe the pre-transport requirements for hazardous waste generators • Explain how to mark and label hazardous waste containers • Describe the purpose and information included on a hazardous waste manifest • Identify and describe manifest discrepancies • Describe the goals of the Land Disposal Restrictions (LDR) and the LDR prohibitions • Describe LDR treatment standards


Course Level Intermediate
Languages English
Compatibility Audio, Video
Based on: 40 CFR 262 - Standards applicable to generators of hazardous waste 40 CFR 268 - Land Disposal Restrictions 49 CFR 105 - Hazardous materials program definitions and general procedures

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Key Questions

What are hazardous waste container markings?
Markings have important information for identifying the waste and the dangers that apply to the waste

What are the hazardous waste training requirements?
Any person that directly affects transportation safety for hazardous materials are required to receive Department of Transportation (DOT) training within the first 90 days of being hired. Refresher training is required every 3 years.

What is a manifest?
The manifest is a multiple-copy document that allows the waste to be tracked from the generator to the treatment, storage, or disposal facility (TSDF)

What is the Land Disposal Restriction (LDR)?
The LDR ensures that hazardous wastes are treated properly before land disposal to reduce the potential for the waste to leach into groundwater, and reduce the toxicity by destroying or removing harmful consituents

What are alternative treatment standards?
Alternative treatment standards exist for treating debris, soil, and lab packs. Normal treatment standards may be difficult to apply to these materials so the alternative standards make it easier to treat specific materials contaminated with hazardous waste.

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Placards are similar to labels but they are signs used to identify the hazards of materials contained in both packages like freight containers, tanker trucks, or rail cars. A placard must be displayed on all sides of a bulk container. The placards are based on hazard categories determined by the DOT. If there is an identification number in the DOT Hazardous Material Table for the waste, then the identification number can be displayed in the center of the placard. The placard can be made of plastic, metal, or any other material that does not deteriorate when exposed to weather for 30 days. Before transporting, it is the generator’s responsibility to place the appropriate placards on the container or offer the placards to the transporter.

Additional Resources

  • Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration – http://www.fmcsa.dot.gov
  • FMCSA Hazardous Material Regulations – http://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/regulations/hazardous-materials/how-comply-federal-hazardous-materials-regulations

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