Safety Management: Root Cause Analysis

How many times have you thought a problem was “fixed” only to have it happen again? This happens when only the symptoms, not the underlying, or root, causes, are addressed. Root cause analysis is a generic term used to describe various methods that can be used to find and eliminate root causes so problems do not recur. This module will describe the steps involved in a root cause analysis and some tools and methods that can be used.

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Course Details

Learning Objectives

• Define root cause
• Differentiate root cause, direct cause, and contributing cause
• Describe the basic steps involved in root cause analysis
• Identify and describe the characteristics of a good problem statement
• Describe some commonly used root cause analysis tools and methods
• Identify which methods work best for certain situations


Course Level Intermediate
Languages English
Compatibility Audio, Video
Based on: Industry Standards and Best Practices

Vector Solutions


With over two decades of experience designing advanced 3D animated courseware and developing our proprietary learning management software, we pride ourselves by having developed over 1,000 safety and operations training modules, which have helped train over 250,000 workers worldwide. Our highly experienced team provides the industry with a simple and high-quality means of training their workforce. Whether your team consists of 25 people or an enterprise with thousands, we’re here to help.

Key Questions

What is a root cause?
A root cause is the most basic reason for the occurrence of a problem, and if eliminated, the problem will not recur.

What is a direct cause?
A direct cause of a problem is the initiating event immediately preceding an incident that appears to have directly caused the incident.

What is a contributing cause?
A contributing cause is a condition or event that may have increased the likelihood that a problem occurred, but if eliminated, will not prevent the problem from recurring.

Which root cause analysis methodology is best?
There is no single method that will work for all situations. Some common methodologies include: 5 whys, effects and causal factors analysis, change analysis, barrier analysis, and task analysis. Some problems may require the use of multiple methods.

What is confirmation bias?
For the best results, root cause analyses should be performed by a team instead of individuals. The team should include 5-7 people, including a problem solving expert, workers involved in the incident, a manager with decision making authority, and someone not connected to the incident for an unbiased perspective.

Sample Video Transcript

A problem exists wherever there is a deviation from a normal, or desired state, and the cause is unknown. Root cause analysis can be used to resolve many different types of problems, including: • Major accidents and near misses • Equipment failures • Productivity issues • Quality problems • Environmental releases The impact of a problem can be measured in a variety of ways and each type of problem will have its own criteria for a formal root cause analysis. For example, equipment failures may have a lost time or cost threshold before being investigated, while all safety-related incidents, whether they result in a recordable injury or were just a near miss, may be investigated. Identifying and correcting the root cause of a near miss can prevent a serious incident from ever occurring.

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