Safety Management: Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention Inspections

Slips, trips, and falls (STFs) are a leading cause of work-related injuries, and the second leading cause of workplace fatalities, after motorized vehicle incidents. A comprehensive floor and walkway safety program can greatly reduce STF hazards and incidents. Among other things, this program should include floor and walkway audits and STF prevention inspections performed by trained and qualified persons. STF prevention inspections should include annual inspections, routine safety inspections, and change analyses.

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Course Details

Learning Objectives

• Define “slips,” “trips,” and “falls”
• Identify and describe three types of STF prevention inspections
• Identify who should perform STF prevention inspections
• Identify common STF hazards
• List housekeeping procedures and safe work practices that can help prevent STF hazards and incidents
• List items which should be included in inspection checklists


Course Level Intermediate
Languages English
Compatibility Audio, Video
Based on: 29 CFR 1910 (2016): Occupational Safety and Health Standards

Vector Solutions


With over two decades of experience designing advanced 3D animated courseware and developing our proprietary learning management software, we pride ourselves by having developed over 1,000 safety and operations training modules, which have helped train over 250,000 workers worldwide. Our highly experienced team provides the industry with a simple and high-quality means of training their workforce. Whether your team consists of 25 people or an enterprise with thousands, we’re here to help.

Key Questions

What is the difference between a slip and a trip?
Slips are caused by a lack of friction between footwear and a walking surface, while trips are caused by the collision of a foot or lower leg with an object.

Who should perform annual STF prevention inspections?
Annual inspections should be performed by trained and qualified supervisors or employees, with or without the assistance of a Certified Walkway Auditor.

What is a “change analysis” or “change survey”?
It is the analysis of anything new that will be introduced to a site (i.e. equipment, material, etc.) to identify potential STF hazards.

How can entrance mats and rugs help prevent slips, trips, or falls?
Entrance mats and rugs help keep footwear and walking surfaces dry and clean, which can help prevent slips and falls caused by slips.

What are some of the key ways to prevent STF hazards?
Practice good housekeeping, make sure workers wear appropriate footwear, and regularly clean and maintain floors and walkways, among others.

Sample Video Transcript

Before an STF prevention inspection program is established, a comprehensive floor and walkway audit should be conducted to establish baseline conditions for the worksite. This can be done internally by a trained and qualified employee, or you can hire a Certified Walkway Auditor. The person conducting the audit must be trained to measure slip resistance and to identify potential STF hazards. Audit results are typically presented in a report containing diagrams of the facility with low, moderate and high traction floor areas indicated. It may also contain photos of existing STF hazards. Once the repairs, traction improvements, and hazard controls indicated by the audit have been implemented, an STF prevention inspection program will help ensure that new hazards are identified and dealt with in a timely manner. This program should include annual inspections, routine safety inspections, and change analyses.

Additional Resources

  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) –
  • OSHA etools –

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