K-12 Education Funding Guide

Download Funding Overview

Federal Funding Resources to Power Your District’s Priorities

Our expert support and resources can help your school or district identify funding sources that can be used to implement many of the products in the Vector Solutions suite of online training, safety, and professional growth solutions for K-12 schools. 

Schools and districts around the country have successfully used a variety of federal formula and competitive funding, combined with state and local funding, to bring these solutions to their staff and students.

Federal Funding Overview

This information provides a brief overview of several federal funding programs, information on the use of these funds. Find details about how the Vector Solutions products align with each program to help administrators in evaluating the opportunities for funding the programs for their staff and students.

Formula Funds

Formula grant programs are noncompetitive awards based on a predetermined formula to determine how much each school receives. For example, Title I funds are distributed based on formulas that utilize low-income Census data. As another example, IDEA funds are allocated based on formulas that account for the number of students with disabilities a district serves. These programs are sometimes referred to as state-administered programs, allocated amounts, or block grants.

Explore these formula funds aligned with our K-12 solutions.

Title I, Part A Improving Basic Programs


Title I, Part A provides financial assistance to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet state academic standards. Schools in which children from low-income families make up at least 40 percent of enrollment are eligible for school-wide programs that serve all children in the school. Otherwise, Title I funds must be focused on children who are failing, or at risk of failing, to meet state academic standards.

Title I funds help to level the playing field for children from low-income communities. Funds are used to support a variety of instructional and non-instructional costs (behavior supports, attendance programs, community/parent engagement) if these costs are shown to help improve student achievement.

Aligned Solutions

Vector Training
  • Vector Training is a professional development resource that delivers online training, including hundreds of school focused courses by expert-authors, to every staff member.
  • Vector Training offers districts the ability to create custom courses that can be aligned to the district’s strategic (school improvement) plan.
  • For students needing intervention, it provides evidence-based, special education-related training on ADHD, Autism, Behavior, IEP’s, Transition, Special Education Law, and more.
  • Every course is multimedia-rich and written by one of the nation’s leading special education experts.
  • Vector Training’s Compliance Management System provides Administrators and Title I Directors with reports to document professional development completion.
Vector LiveSafe Tip Reporting & Safety Communications System
  • Vector LiveSafe lets students, staff, and parents confidentially report bullying, safety concerns, and threats of violence to your administration 24/7.
  • Built-in communication tools enable two-way communication between the tipster and an administrator to support investigation and resolution.
Vector PD Tracking
  • Vector PD Tracking supplies administrators and Title I Directors with reports to document professional development completion.
Vector Evaluations+
  • Vector Evaluations+ improves educator effectiveness by managing professional growth and performance and strengthening teacher and staff development.
Vector EHS
  • Vector EHS Management efficiently manages all incident data for employees, students, and visitors.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)


IDEA offers individualized supports to help students with disabilities receive a free and appropriate education. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) ensures services to children with disabilities, including early intervention, special education, and targeted supports.

Funds must be spent to support the needs of children with disabilities, as outlined in Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) that attempt to identify the specific supports and services necessary for each identified child. Funds can be used for a wide variety of purposes to support learners with disabilities.

The additional ARP funds could be used for mental health services or to support academics to increase evidence-based interventions. These funds can be used to address learning disruptions and professional development  – ensuring staff has the training to shift quickly to remote learning in the future and to continue hybrid and remote learning right now. The funding could also be used to address critical shortages of special education personnel, both teachers and specialized instructional support personnel. IDEA funds are very flexible in how they can be used.

Aligned Solutions

Vector Training

Vector Training equips all staff with evidence-based training to help students with special needs thrive in the classroom.

  • Courses can be accessed from school or home, when it’s most convenient, using any web-enabled device.
  • District and school administrators are able to easily assign and trackcourses and completions.
  • Supports and enhances the ability for all staff to deliver academic and behavioral interventions. Vector Training is a technology program that is implemented at the district level. It includes Course Libraries with additional courses for school staff who support students served under IDEA:

Many special education programs require instructional staff and bus aides to have training in emergency procedures, school and bus safety, certain medical procedures and confidentiality requirements. Vector Training offers a full range of courses in these areas.

Vector LiveSafe Tip Reporting & Safety Communications System
  • Vector LiveSafe is an anonymous tip reporting system designed to help school leaders receive information about potential school safety threats, bullying, or concerns related to student wellbeing.
  • Tip lines provide students, who are often reluctant to report information, with an opportunity to submit information anonymously to their school leaders.
Vector Evaluations+ and PD Tracking
  • Intuitive online teacher evaluation and professional development tools.
  • Identifies professional development needs and supports ongoing growth.
  • It is highly customizable to meet the unique needs of Special Education teachers.
Vector SDS
  • Manages district’s SDS collections and chemical inventory online.
  • Ensures safety data for chemicals commonly found in schools.
Vector EHS Management
  • Efficiently manages all incident data for employees, students, student athletes, and visitors

Title II, Part A Improving Teacher Quality


The Improving Teacher Quality Program aims to increase academic achievement by improving teacher and principal quality-namely by increasing the number of highly-qualified teachers and principals. The program also aims to increase the effectiveness of teachers and principals by holding districts and schools accountable for growth in student achievement.

Local-level activities include but are not limited to (1) recruiting and retaining highly qualified teachers and principals, (2) increasing the number of highly qualified teachers in classrooms, and (3) providing professional development for teachers and principals. These activities must be based on a local needs assessment and, among other things, be aligned with state academic content standards, student academic achievement standards and state assessments.

Aligned Solutions

Vector Training
  • Vector Training is a professional development resource that delivers training on a full spectrum of important school safety topics including student behavioral, social, and emotional issues, online safety and more – properly trained staff are better prepared to provide a safe learning environment for students.
  • Special Education Course Library – prepares teachers and principals to step into a school or classroom of diverse learners with courses written by leading Special Education experts.
Vector Evaluations+
  • Identifies professional development needs and supports ongoing growth.
Vector PD Tracking
  • Supplies Administrators and Professional Development Directors with reports to document professional development completion.

Title IV, Part A Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE)


The purpose of the Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) Program is to improve student’s academic achievement by increasing the capacity of States, local educational agencies, schools and local communities to: (1) provide all students with access to a well-rounded education; (2) improve school conditions for student learning; and (3) improve the use of technology in order to improve the academic achievement and digital literacy for all students.

ESSA consolidated many former competitive and formula programs including Safe and Drug Free Schools. These funds are allocated to states, with quite a bit of flexibility.

Activities to support safe and healthy students may include, but are not limited to:

  • School-based mental health services
  • Health and safety practices into school
  • Nutritional education
  • Bullying and harassment prevention
  • Practices for developing relationship-building skills
  • Reducing exclusionary discipline practices
  • Addressing trauma and violence
  • Health and safety, including bullying and harassment.
  • Establishing or improving school dropout and reentry programs
  • Positive behavioral interventions and support. This includes coordinating with IDEA activities to improvement academic outcomes and school conditions for student learning

Activities to improve the use of educational technology in order to improve the academic achievement and digital literacy of all students may include, but are not limited to:

  • Professional learning

Aligned Solutions

Vector Training
  • Vector Training provides online professional development utilizing school-based scenarios making the training relevant and applicable for SSAE.
  • Key courses include:
    • Emergency Management
    • Employment Practices
    • Environmental
    • Health
    • Human Resources
    • Information Technology
    • Nutrition Services
    • Security
    • Social & Behavioral
    • Special Education
    • Transportation
Vector LiveSafe Tip Reporting & Safety Communications System
  • Vector LiveSafe is an anonymous tip reporting & safety communications system designed to help school leaders receive information about potential school safety threats, bullying, or concerns related to student wellbeing.
  • Tip lines provide students, who are often reluctant to report information, with an opportunity to submit information anonymously to their school leaders.

Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education


Perkins funding is the keystone of many states’ CTE programs. Federal funds are made available to develop more fully the academic, career, and technical skills of secondary and postsecondary students who elect to enroll in CTE programs. In accordance with the statute, states must allocate at least 85 percent of the funds to eligible recipients, which include local education agencies (LEAs), two- and four-year colleges and universities that offer sub baccalaureate CTE programs, area CTE centers, and postsecondary education institutions controlled by the Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Indian Education (BIE).

Vocational Education grants are intended to develop and enrich the academic, career, and technical skills of secondary and postsecondary students in CTE programs. States apply to receive funds, contingent upon submitting an approved five-year state CTE plan. States then pass the majority of Perkins funds along to districts and colleges that operate vocational and technical education programs.

Aligned Solutions

Vector Training
  • Vector Training includes a wide variety of Health Services, Food Services, and Transportation Safety courses that can be used for staff professional development.
  • It is a perfect solution to train vocational and technology educators to help level the “playing field” for students with exceptionalities
  • Special Education Course Library topics include Special Education Law, Transitions, Autism Spectrum and ADHD, among many others
Vector SDS and Chemical Management System
  • SDS and Chemical management is a web-based system can be quickly accessed from any web-enabled computer or mobile device to create and update virtual SDS collections for the district.
  • Organize your chemical inventory and SDSs by work area.
  • Print out online collections as neatly organized physical binders, secondary container labels, and location fliers with QR codes that includes important hazard warnings specific to the contents.
  • Use the search feature to quickly find a specific SDS in case of an emergency.
  • Compliant with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS).
Vector EHS Management
  • Vector EHS efficiently manages all incident data for employees, students, student athletes, and visitors.

CARES Act - Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSERF) and ARP ESSER


In 2020 and 2021 Congress passed three stimulus bills that provided nearly $190.5 billion to the Elementary and Secondary Emergency Education Relief (ESSER) Fund. States receive funds based on the same proportion that each state receives under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Title-IA. States must distribute at least 90% of funds to local education agencies (LEAs) based on their proportional share of ESEA Title I-A funds.

  • The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, passed on March 27, 2020, provided $13.5 billion to the ESSER Fund.
  • The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSA), passed on Dec. 27, 2020, provided $54.3 billion in supplemental ESSER funding, known as the ESSER II fund.
  • The American Rescue Plan Act, passed on March 11, 2021, provided $122.7 billion in supplemental ESSER funding known as ARP ESSER.

School districts have significant flexibility in how they choose to use the ESSER funds and will be able to use them where they are needed most. These additional ESSER dollars provide an opportunity due to this national emergency. The American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) Fund under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) enables States and school districts to help safely reopen and sustain the safe operation of schools and address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the nation’s students.

Aligned Solutions

The following information includes some acceptable uses for these funds. The items in bold are those that represent close matches to the Vector Solutions products.

  • Any activity authorized by the ESEA of 1965, including the Native Hawaiian Education Act and the Alaska Native Educational Equity, Support, and Assistance Act, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006, or title VII of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.
  • Coordination of preparedness and response efforts of local educational agencies with state, local, Tribal, and territorial public health departments, and other relevant agencies, to improve coordinated responses among such entities to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus.
  • Providing principals and others school leaders with the resources necessary to address the needs of their individual schools.
  • Activities to address the unique needs of low-income children or students, children with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, students experiencing homelessness, and foster care youth, including how outreach and service delivery will meet the needs of each population.
  • Developing and implementing procedures and systems to improve the preparedness and response efforts of local educational agencies.
  • Training and professional development for staff of the local educational agency on sanitation and minimizing the spread of infectious diseases.
  • Purchasing supplies to sanitize and clean the facilities of a local educational agency, including buildings operated by such agency.
  • Planning for and coordinating during long-term closures, including for how to provide meals to eligible students, how to provide technology for online learning to all students, how to provide guidance for carrying out requirements under IDEA and how to ensure other educational services can continue to be provided consistent with all Federal, State, and local requirements.
  • Purchasing educational technology (including hardware, software, and connectivity) for students who are served by the local educational agency that aids in regular and substantive educational interaction between students and their classroom instructors, including low-income students and students with disabilities, which may include assistive technology or adaptive equipment.
  • Providing mental health services and supports.
  • Planning and implementing activities related to summer learning and supplemental afterschool programs, including providing classroom instruction or online learning during the summer months and addressing the needs of low-income students, students with disabilities, English learners, migrant students, students experiencing homelessness, and children in foster care.
  • Other activities necessary to maintain the operation of and continuity of services in local educational agencies and continuing to employ existing staff of the local educational agency.

Of the total amount allocated to an LEA from the State’s ARP ESSER award, the LEA must reserve at least 20 percent of funds to address learning loss through the implementation of evidence-based interventions and ensure that those interventions respond to students’ social, emotional, and academic needs and address the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on underrepresented student subgroups (each major racial and ethnic group, children from low-income families, children with disabilities, English learners, gender, migrant students, students experiencing homelessness, and children and youth in foster care).

Remaining LEA funds may be used for a wide range of activities to address needs arising from the coronavirus pandemic, including any activity authorized by the ESEA, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA), or Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins CTE). Specifically, ARP ESSER funds may be used to develop strategies and implement public health protocols including, to the greatest extent practicable, policies in line with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on reopening and operating schools to effectively maintain the health and safety of students, educators, and other staff

Competitive Funds

Competitive grants, or discretionary grants, are restricted by criteria that applicants must meet and are, by nature, only awarded to a select group of states or districts. A competitive grant is a request for funding for fixed or known periods of time, for specific projects.

Explore these competitive grant funds aligned with our K-12 solutions.

Preventing School Violence: BJA's Stop School Violence Program


BJA’s STOP School Violence Grant Program is designed to improve school security by providing students and teachers with the tools they need to recognize, respond quickly to, and help prevent acts of violence.

The STOP School Violence Act describes the following categories for school safety projects:

  1. Train school personnel and educate students on preventing student violence against others and themselves to include anti-bullying training. This can also include specialized training for school officials to respond to mental health crises.
  2. Develop and implement threat assessment and/or intervention teams and/or operate technology solutions such as anonymous reporting systems for threats of school violence, including mobile telephone applications, hotlines, and websites. Threat assessment and/or intervention teams must coordinate with law enforcement agencies and school personnel.

Aligned Solutions

Vector Training – Staff Course Library

Educate staff on essential safety topics.

  • Courses cover the critical topics to educate staff so they’re better prepared to prevent a safety incident, or to respond should one occur.
  • Supports Compliance – courses help comply with state and federal training mandates, including OSHA, Title IX, Mandatory Reporting, FERPA, Working Safely with Students with Disabilities, Bullying Prevention, and more.
  • Scenario Based – School-based scenarios make the training relevant and applicable. Key courses include: Bloodborne Pathogens, Sexual Harassment, School Violence, Student Mental, Health, Youth Suicide, and more.
  • Built-In Assessments – Every course includes an assessment to measure retention and mastery. Administrators can also activate “test-out” and “pre-test/post-test” options on a course-by-course basis.
Vector Training – Student Course Library

Equip students with the safety knowledge they need.

  • Powerful, engaging courses cover the essential safety topics to educate students to positively impact school culture, and are perfect for primary prevention training or remediation.
  • Engaging and Age-Appropriate – Courses feature diverse peer presenters, so all students can more easily connect with each lesson. Customized courses for grades 6-8 and grades 9-12.
  • Modular Course Design – Each course includes a full version, as well as standalone modules (5-10 minutes), so the content can be used in the way that best meets student needs.
  • Variety of Uses – Assign to individual students, use in a facilitated group setting, or add our courses to your existing LMS.
  • Helpful Ancillary Materials – Lesson plans, discussion questions, activities, and assessments.
Vector EHS Management
  • Efficiently manages all incident data for employees, students, student athletes, and visitors.
Vector LiveSafe Tip Reporting & Safety Communications System
  • Vector LiveSafe is an anonymous tip reporting system designed to help school leaders receive information about potential school safety threats, bullying, or concerns related to student wellbeing.
  • Tip lines provide students, who are often reluctant to report information, with an opportunity to submit information anonymously to their school leaders.

COPS School Violence Prevention Program (SVPP)


The purpose of the COPS School Violence Prevention Program (SVPP) is to improve security at schools and on school grounds in the recipient’s jurisdiction through evidence-based school safety programs. Funding is available under the following purpose areas:

  • Coordination with local law enforcement
  • Training for local law enforcement officers to prevent student violence against others and self
  • Placement and use of metal detectors, locks, lighting, and other deterrent measures
  • Acquisition and installation of technology for expedited notification of local law enforcement during an emergency
  • Any other measure that, in the determination of the COPS Office Director, may provide a significant improvement in security

Aligned Solutions

Vector Training – Staff Course Library

Educate staff on essential safety topics.

  • Courses cover the critical topics to educate staff so they’re better prepared to prevent a safety incident, or to respond should one occur.
  • Supports Compliance – courses help comply with state and federal training mandates, including OSHA, Title IX, Mandatory Reporting, FERPA, Working Safely with Students with Disabilities, Bullying Prevention, and more.
  • Scenario Based – School-based scenarios make the training relevant and applicable. Key courses include: Bloodborne Pathogens, Sexual Harassment, School Violence, Student Mental, Health, Youth Suicide, and more.
  • Built-In Assessments – Every course includes an assessment to measure retention and mastery. Administrators can also activate “test-out” and “pre-test/post-test” options on a course-by-course basis.
Vector Training – Student Course Library

Equip students with the safety knowledge they need.

  • Powerful, engaging courses cover the essential safety topics to educate students to positively impact school culture, and are perfect for primary prevention training or remediation.
  • Engaging and Age-Appropriate – Courses feature diverse peer presenters, so all students can more easily connect with each lesson. Customized courses for grades 6-8 and grades 9-12.
  • Modular Course Design – Each course includes a full version, as well as standalone modules (5-10 minutes), so the content can be used in the way that best meets student needs.
  • Variety of Uses – Assign to individual students, use in a facilitated group setting, or add our courses to your existing LMS.
  • Helpful Ancillary Materials – Lesson plans, discussion questions, activities, and assessments.
Vector EHS Management
  • Efficiently manages all incident data for employees, students, student athletes, and visitors.
Vector LiveSafe Tip Reporting & Safety Communications System
  • Vector LiveSafe is an anonymous tip reporting system designed to help school leaders receive information about potential school safety threats, bullying, or concerns related to student wellbeing.
  • Tip lines provide students, who are often reluctant to report information, with an opportunity to submit information anonymously to their school leaders.

Special Education: Personnel Development to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities


The Personnel Preparation program helps meet state-identified needs for adequate numbers of fully certified personnel to serve children with disabilities by supporting competitive awards to:

  • Provide research-based training and professional development to prepare special education, related services, early intervention, and regular education personnel to work with children with disabilities
  • Ensure that those personnel are fully qualified, and possess the skills and knowledge that are needed to serve children with disabilities
  • Ensure that those personnel are fully qualified, and possess the skills and knowledge that are needed to serve children with disabilities

This program supports training activities in a few high priority areas, including:

  • General personnel development and preparing beginning special educators
  • Personnel serving children with low incidence disabilities
  • Leadership personnel

Aligned Solutions

The following information includes all acceptable uses for these funds to provide a complete picture, while the items in bold are those that represent close matches to Vector Solutions products.

  • High-quality interdisciplinary projects that prepare special education, early intervention, and related services personnel at the master’s degree, educational specialist degree, or clinical doctoral degree levels for professional practice in natural environments, early learning programs, classrooms, and school settings serving children, including infants and toddlers, and youth with disabilities.
  • Builds capacity (e.g., hiring of a field supervisor, providing professional development for field supervisors, and training for faculty);
  • Purchasing needed resources (e.g., additional teaching supplies or specialized equipment to enhance instruction)
Vector Training
  • Vector Training is a professional development resource that delivers online training, including hundreds of school focused courses by expert-authors, to every staff member.
  • Key courses include:
    • Emergency Management
    • Employment Practices
    • Environmental
    • Health
    • Human Resources
    • Information Technology
    • Nutrition Services
    • Security
    • Social & Behavioral
    • Special Education
    • Transportation
  • Special Education Course Library – prepares teachers and principals to step into a school or classroom of diverse learners with courses written by leading Special Education experts.
    • Delivers evidence-based, Special Education-related training on ADHD, Autism, Behavior, IEP’s, Transition, Special Education Law, and more.
Vector PD Tracking
  • Supplies Administrators and Professional Development Directors with reports to document professional development completion.

Vector Evaluations+

  • Identifies professional development needs and supports ongoing growth.

Perkins Innovation and Modernization Grant Program


The purpose of the Perkins Innovation and Modernization Grant Program to identify, support, and rigorously evaluate Evidence-Based and innovative strategies and activities to improve and modernize Career and Technical Education (CTE) and ensure workforce skills taught in CTE programs funded under the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006, as amended by the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V or the Act) align with labor market needs.

Funds under this grant can be used for a variety of activities, including designing and implementing courses or Programs of Study aligned to labor market needs in new or emerging fields, working with industry to upgrade equipment, technology, and related curriculum used in CTE programs, improving the transition of students, and creating or expanding recruitment, retention, or professional development activities for CTE teachers, faculty, school leaders, administrators, specialized instructional support personnel, career guidance and academic counselors, and paraprofessionals.

Aligned Solutions

The following information includes all acceptable uses for these funds to provide a complete picture, while the items in bold are those that represent close matches to Vector Solutions products.

Funding can include:

  • Creating or expanding recruitment, retention, or professional development activities for CTE teachers, faculty, school leaders, administrators, Paraprofessional, also known as a “paraeducator,” includes a professional
  • Providing educators (including teachers, principals, other school leaders, administrators, Specialized Instructional Support Personnel, career guidance and academic counselors, and Paraprofessionals) with the knowledge and skills necessary to enable students to succeed in Career and Technical Education, to meet challenging State academic standards or to achieve academic skills at the postsecondary level
  • Training should be sustained (not stand-alone, 1-day, or short-term workshops), intensive, collaborative, job-embedded, data-driven, and classroom-focused, to the extent practicable
  • Evidence-Based, and may include activities that improve and increase educators’
    • Knowledge of the academic and technical subjects;
    • Understanding of how students learn; and
  • Ability to analyze student work and achievement from multiple sources, including how to adjust instructional strategies, assessments, and materials based on such analysis; education assistant and instructional assistant.
  • Address the rights of a student or the obligations of an entity under IDEA
Vector Training  
  • Vector Training is a professional development resource that delivers online training, including hundreds of school focused courses by expert-authors, to every staff member.
  • Special Education Course Library – prepares teachers and principals to step into a school or classroom of diverse learners with courses written by leading Special Education experts.
  • Delivers evidence-based, Special Education-related training on ADHD, Autism, Behavior, IEP’s, Transition, Special Education Law, and more.
Special Education Course Library – delivers evidence-based, Special Education-related training on ADHD, Autism, Behavior, IEP’s, Transition, Special Education Law, and more.
  • Every course is multimedia-rich and written by one of the nation’s leading special education experts.
Vector Evaluations+ and PD Tracking
  • Vector Evaluations+ and PD Tracking enable professional growth and track the effectiveness of teaching. It is designed to improve educator effectiveness.

Teacher Quality Partnerships (TQP) Grant


The purpose of the Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP) is to improve student achievement; improve the quality of prospective and new teachers by improving the preparation of prospective teachers and enhancing professional development activities for new teachers; hold teacher preparation programs at institutions of higher education (IHEs) accountable for preparing teachers who meet applicable State certification and licensure requirements; and recruit highly qualified individuals, including minorities and individuals from other occupations, into the teaching force.

The program supports eligible partnerships that must include a high-need local educational agency (LEA), a high-need school served by the LEA, or a high-need early childhood education (ECE) program; a partner institution; a school, department, or program of education within such partner institution; and a school or department of arts and sciences within such partner institution. Partnerships must implement either (a) teacher preparation programs at the pre-baccalaureate or “fifth-year” level that include specific reforms in IHEs’ existing teacher preparation programs; or (b) teacher residency programs for individuals who are recent graduates with strong academic backgrounds or are mid-career professionals from outside the field of education.

Aligned Solutions

The following information includes all acceptable uses for these funds to provide a complete picture, while the items in bold are those that represent close matches to Vector Solutions Products. 

Funding for:

  • Partnerships among institutions of higher education, high-need local education agencies, high-need schools, or other eligible entities that work together to develop a pipeline of profession ready teachers.
  • Providing extensive, year-long clinical preparation to teacher candidates.
  • Providing an induction program for at least the first two years of a graduate’s teaching career.
  • Candidates participating in teaching residency programs commit to teaching for at least three years in a high need field in the high-need district where they were prepared.
  • Addressing candidates that are prepared to teach students with disabilities, to teach English language learners, and to teach literacy strategies.
Vector Training
  • Vector Training is a professional development resource that delivers online training, including hundreds of school focused courses by expert-authors, to every staff member.
  • Special Education Course Library – prepares teachers and principals to step into a school or classroom of diverse learners with courses written by leading Special Education experts.
  • Delivers evidence-based, Special Education-related training on ADHD, Autism, Behavior, IEP’s, Transition, Special Education Law, and more.
Vector PD Tracking
  • Supplies Administrators and Professional Development Directors with reports to document professional development completion.
Vector Evaluations+
  • Identifies professional development needs and supports ongoing growth.

Supporting Effective Educator Development (SEED)


The SEED grant program provides funding to increase the number of highly effective educators by supporting the implementation of evidence-based preparation, development, or enhancement opportunities for educators.

Supporting Effective Teachers.

Projects that will implement activities that are supported by:

    1. Providing teachers from nontraditional preparation and certification routes or pathways to serve in traditionally under-served Local Educational Agencies (LEAs);
    2. Providing teachers with Evidence-Based Professional Development activities that address literacy, numeracy, remedial, or other needs of LEAs and the students the agencies serve; or
    3. Providing teachers with Evidence-Based professional enhancement activities, which may include activities that lead to an advanced credential.

Supporting Effective Principals or Other School Leaders.

Projects that will implement activities:

    1. Providing principals or other School Leaders from nontraditional preparation and certification routes or pathways to serve in traditionally under-served LEAs;
    2. Providing principals or other School Leaders with Evidence-Based Professional Development activities that address literacy, numeracy, remedial, or other needs of LEAs and the students the agencies serve; or
    3. Providing principals or other School Leaders with Evidence-Based professional enhancement activities, which may include activities that lead to an advanced credential.

Aligned Solutions

Note: The following information includes all acceptable uses for these funds to provide a complete picture, while the items in bold are those that represent close matches to Vector Solutions products.

Professional Development activities that

(a) Are an integral part of school and LEA strategies for providing educators (including teachers, principals, other School Leaders, specialized instructional support personnel, paraprofessionals, and, as applicable, early childhood educators) with the knowledge and skills necessary to enable students to succeed in a well-rounded education and to meet the challenging State academic standards; and

(b) Are sustained (not stand-alone, 1-day, or short term workshops), intensive, collaborative, job-embedded, data-driven, and classroom-focused, and may include activities that-

(1) Improve and increase teachers’-

(i) Knowledge of the academic subjects the teachers teach;

(ii) Understanding of how students learn; and

(iii) Ability to analyze student work and achievement from multiple sources, including how to adjust instructional strategies, assessments, and materials based on such analysis;

(2) Are an integral part of broad schoolwide and districtwide educational improvement plans;

(3) Allow personalized plans for each educator to address the educator’s specific needs identified in observation or other feedback;

(4) Improve classroom management skills;

(5) Support the recruitment, hiring, and training of effective teachers, including teachers who became certified through State and local alternative routes to certification;

(6) Advance teacher understanding of-

(i) Effective instructional strategies that are Evidence-Based; and

(ii) Strategies for improving student academic achievement or substantially increasing the knowledge and teaching skills of teachers;

(7) Are aligned with, and directly related to, academic goals of the school or LEA;

(8) Are developed with extensive participation of teachers, principals, other School Leaders, parents, representatives of Indian Tribes (as applicable), and administrators of schools to be served under the ESEA;

(9) Are designed to give teachers of English learners, and other teachers and instructional staff, the knowledge and skills to provide instruction and appropriate language and academic support services to those children, including the appropriate use of curricula and assessments;

(10) To the extent appropriate, provide training for teachers, principals, and other School Leaders in the use of technology (including education about the harms of copyright piracy), so that technology and technology applications are effectively used in the classroom to improve teaching and learning in the curricula and academic subjects in which the teachers teach;

(11) As a whole, are regularly evaluated for their impact on increased teacher effectiveness and improved student academic achievement, with the findings of the evaluations used to improve the quality of professional development;

(12) Are designed to give teachers of children with disabilities or children with developmental delays, and other teachers and instructional staff, the knowledge and skills to provide instruction and academic support services, to those children, including positive behavioral interventions and supports, multi-tier system of supports, and use of accommodations;

(13) Include instruction in the use of data and assessments to inform and instruct classroom practice;

(14) Include instruction in ways that teachers, principals, other School Leaders, specialized instructional support personnel, and school administrators may work more effectively with parents and families;

(15) Involve the forming of partnerships with IHEs, including, as applicable, Tribal Colleges and Universities, to establish school-based teacher, principal, and other School Leader training programs that provide prospective teachers, novice teachers, principals, and other School Leaders with an opportunity to work under the guidance of experienced teachers, principals, other School Leaders, and faculty of such institutions;

(16) Create programs to enable paraprofessionals (assisting teachers employed by an LEA receiving assistance under part A of title I of the ESEA) to obtain the education necessary for those paraprofessionals to become certified and licensed teachers;

(17) Provide follow-up training to teachers who have participated in activities described in paragraph (b) of this definition that are designed to ensure that the knowledge and skills learned by the teachers are implemented in the classroom; and

(18) Where practicable, provide jointly for school staff and other early childhood education program providers, to address the transition to elementary school, including issues related to school readiness.

Funding Overview Guide

For additional details about these funding options, download the complete Federal Funding Overview.

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