April 9, 2020
Use Vector LMS for Casinos to Reach your Employees at Home
How are you reaching your employees? Most casinos or gaming establishments already use emergency texting and/or calls, but content options are limited, and maybe frontline employees don’t have email or email access.
What if you used your existing texting/calling system to send a text to all your employees asking them to login to Vector LMS for Casinos?
We’ve listed 5 ways that Vector Solutions' Learning Management System, Vector LMS for Casinos, can help you communicate with your teams directly and swiftly:
Video Publishing – Are you an executive or leader that would like to address their team? Using group meeting software can be difficult to use or access. Custom video content can be loaded directly to Vector LMS for Casinos and shared with your team. Views can be monitored and tracked for reporting.

Memos, Form Acknowledgements, Schedules, Notices – PDFs can be uploaded directly to the LMS and shared with your whole team in a matter of just a few clicks. Is there a scheduling update or an emergency notice that requires a signature? Vector LMS for Casinos' form acknowledgment publishing tool allows management the ability to deliver and track receipt of important information. Employees can electronically ‘sign’ the documents, and these signatures are trackable and reportable.
PowerPoints – Do you have a training course that needs to be published and shared with all team members? Think about any emergency specific information, HR resources etc. The LMS PowerPoint conversion tool is a great way to ensure your team has access to emergency training and can be uploaded directly to your portal.
Surveys – Would you like to check to see how your team is doing or identify their needs? Publish a survey or a poll to all or specific employees and see responses and analytics in real time.
CELEXA Messaging – Do you need to send a message to your entire team or a specific department? What about frontline or BOH employees that may not have company email addresses (dishwashers, line cooks, food and beverage servers)? Vector LMS for Casino’s messaging system does not require email access and you can communicate with your team directly through the site.
Already using our Learning Management System Vector LMS for Casinos? Contact [email protected] to begin adding custom content to your platform.