May 19, 2022 3 min read

Cumberland County Schools Improves Safety Training by Moving from Off-Site to Online

The District
Cumberland County Schools is the fifth-largest school district in North Carolina and second-largest employer in Cumberland County behind the military. The district is comprised of 89 schools, enrolls 48,796 students, and has 6,030 employees.
The Challenge
Prior to adopting Vector’s online training system and courses, the district provided training in person at the district’s operations building. This was problematic because it took away from teachers’ instructional time and necessitated the hiring of substitute teachers to cover teachers’ classes on PD days. “It wasn’t a cost-effective or efficient way to train employees,” said Laura Young, Risk Manager for Cumberland County Schools. “We needed to find a way to meet requirements and get everyone trained without taking away from their instructional time.”
The Solution
The district adopted Vector Training (formerly SafeSchools) for its online safety and compliance training courses. Because teachers can take the courses at any time from any device, it eliminated the need for them to leave their classrooms to attend in-person training sessions. District leaders also appreciated the breadth of course offerings and the ability to customize courses to meet local training needs.
The district now uses the Vector Training Safety & Compliance training for teachers and has also added Vector’s bus driver training. It also created some of its own courses, for training that is specific to their district, including a technology course, a general safety course, a risk management course, and others. The courses can be uploaded directly into the Vector Training platform which allows the district to assign the courses and track completion. District leaders appreciated the responsiveness and support from the Vector team as the district created those custom courses. The district averages about 1,000 new employees every year and puts information about the training courses in every new-hire packet to help them get started right away.
In the 2021-22 school year the district completed more than 54,000 courses in Vector Training. The adoption of Vector Training has helped make the district’s training more efficient. Instead of taking away from instructional time, employees can now complete the training courses at a time that is convenient for them. Many do it during their PD or class prep time, or right after school. They can even complete the training during a planning period or at home. Adopting Vector Solutions’ online courses has also helped the district save on the cost of hiring substitute teachers to cover classes during PD days, and has allowed them to create custom courses to meet local training requirements.
About Vector Training
The Vector Training online training management system completely automates staff and student training in K-12 school districts. It provides access to high-quality courses created by leading experts on important safety, prevention, and special education topics, in one convenient online system. It offers courses in areas such as Safety & Compliance, Special Education, School Bus Driver Training, Facilities Maintenance, Child Sexual Abuse Prevention, and Diversity & Inclusion. It also offers a set of Student Safety and Wellness courses to help teach students about issues such as bullying, suicide, vaping and drug prevention, digital citizenship, and more.
Laura Young
Risk Manager