Vector Solutions offers a comprehensive catalog of online Expert-Authored K-12 Student Training continuing education courses that is accepted in most states. Download Catalog

Expert-Authored K-12 Student Training

Strengthen Student Safety and Wellness with Online SEL Courses

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Active Assailant Preparedness Grades (6-8)

Active Assailant Preparedness Grades (9-12)

Alcohol Use and Misuse Prevention Grades (6-8)

Alcohol Use and Misuse Prevention Grades (9-12)

Bullying and Cyberbullying Grades (6-8)

Bullying and Cyberbullying Grades (9-12)

Bystander Intervention Substance Misuse (9-12)

Career Exploration Grades (9-12)

Communication Styles and Skills Grades (9-12)

Dating Violence Awareness Grades (6-8)

Dating Violence Awareness Grades (9-12)

Depression Awareness Grades (6-8)

Depression Awareness Grades (9-12)

Digital Citizenship Grades (6-8)

Digital Citizenship Grades (9-12)

Eating Disorder Awareness Grades (6-8)

Eating Disorder Awareness Grades (9-12)

Financial Literacy Grades (9-12)

Goal Setting for Success Grades (9-12)

Good Decision Making Grades (6-8)

Good Decision Making Grades (9-12)

Hazing Awareness and Prevention Grades (6-8)

Hazing Awareness and Prevention Grades (9-12)

Healthy Relationships Grades (6-8)

Healthy Relationships Grades (9-12)

Human Trafficking Awareness Grades (6-8)

Human Trafficking Awareness Grades (9-12)

Interview Skills Grades (9-12)

Leadership and Career Readiness Grades (9-12)

Multiple Intelligences Grades (9-12)

Resolving Disagreements Grades (6-8)

Resolving Disagreements Grades (9-12)

Resume Writing Grades (9-12)

Self Harm Awareness and Prevention Grades (6-8)

Self Harm Awareness and Prevention Grades (9-12)

Sexual Abuse Awareness Grades (6-8)

Sexual Abuse Awareness Grades (9-12)

Sexual Harassment Grades (6-8)

Sexual Harassment Grades (9-12)

Stress and Anxiety Grades (6-8)

Stress and Anxiety Grades (9-12)

Stress Management Grades (9-12)

Substance Use and Misuse Prevention Grades (6-8)

Substance Use and Misuse Prevention Grades (9-12)

Time Management Grades (9-12)

Trauma Awareness Grades (6-8)

Trauma Awareness Grades (9-12)

Vaping Understanding and Prevention Grades (6-8)

Vaping Understanding and Prevention Grades (9-12)

Youth Suicide Risk Grades (6-8)

Youth Suicide Risk Grades (9-12)